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Sorry about Tae
He can be a bit overprotective...

I can understand that

I'll talk to you soon alright?


Once again I read the last messages of our conversation, while I sip my cold coffee on autopilot. It's already Monday morning and I still haven't heard from him. At this point I'm pretty sure Taehyung managed to convince him I'm no good and he's just waiting to find the courage to tell me. The weekend has passed by with my phone glued to my hand, my heart jumping every time I feel it buzz with a possible message of the man I kissed. But nothing. With each hour passing by I felt my heart sink lower and lower. This morning I let it drag behind me on a string while looking back at it every now and then, to apologise for letting myself get so carried away. I sigh loudly and place my phone back on the desk.

"What's up with you this morning man?" Jisoo asks without looking up from her screen.

"Nothing." I grunt. I mindlessly scroll through some emails which I fail to mark as unread again.

"Yoongs, come on. You've been sighing louder than Jessi's laugh all morning." Now she looks up at me. "Spill the tea."

Should I just tell her? It might help, sometimes worries that are stuck in your head seem larger until you say them out loud, and I trust she'll be able to keep it a secret.

"I ehh... I kind of kissed Jimin last week." I purse my lips and slowly look up at her.

"You WHAT?" Her jaw drops and immediately rolls her chair closer to mine. "More details please."

"He asked me to join him and his friend Taehyung for drinks after the recording on Thursday, and I kind of dragged him into an alley and kissed him."

"Jesus, Yoongi! How did he react?"

"Oh he wanted it." I smirk.

Jisoo laughs and slaps my arm. "Daaamn! Player!"

"Great," I scoff, "first I'm a fuckboy and now I'm a player."

"Fuckboy? Who called you a fuckboy? And you know I'm just joking right, I know you're not like that."

"Taehyung called me a fuckboy when he pulled me off of Jimin. That guy hates my guts. I'm sure he convinced Jimin to stay away from me because I haven't heard from him since he messaged me on Friday." I tap my fingers on my phone, still hoping to suddenly feel it buzz.

"Oh damn... Maybe ehh... maybe he just needs some time to think? It has only been a few days." Jisoo tries to comfort me. I smile at her quickly to show appreciation for her effort. Maybe she's right, it actually hasn't been that long yet. Time feels distorted when you're waiting for your crush to message you.

"Yeah, maybe." I slowly roll my eyes back to my phone, and right at that moment I feel the anticipated buzz under my fingertips. I quickly pick it up and unlock it. A new message.

Hyung, are you at work?

"Oooh!!" Jisoo shamelessly peeks at my screen and squeezes my shoulder.

"Yaa! Some privacy?" I chuckle and move her chair further away from me. My mood is instantly changed for the better, even though I don't even know yet what Jimin is about to say to me. I write my reply immediately, throwing any sort of game-playing of making him wait out the window.

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