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The metro ride to the place where Jimin and Taehyung are made me even more nervous. The type of nervous that you miss when it's not there, but you hate it once it's rushing through your body. It's like a cheerful anxiety, I can't wait to see Jimin again already tonight, but I have absolutely no idea how this evening is going to end. We're either just going to have a polite drink with the three of us and go home, or in the less polite version of the night I get to taste those plump lips I've been dreaming about. I wish I didn't have to go to work tomorrow.

I walk up to the bar and contemplate if I should still have one more cigarette, but I doubt it's going to help me much. I take a deep breath, spit my gum out and open the door. I don't know why I always have trouble recognising people when I enter bars and restaurants. It's not even that crowded, but somehow all the faces become blurry and I try to recognise people by colour or shape, which is almost impossible. Right now though, I spot Jimin immediately. His angelic blonde hair matches beautifully with his silky white blouse, which is now on full display without his jean jacket on. I don't even see his face because his back is turned to me, but how could I not recognise him?

Taehyung spots me and I swear I could see his eyes roll ever so slightly. This kid definitely hates me. He nods at me which makes Jimin turn around. His smile almost blinds me.

"Ah, you made it!" He says while looking up at me as I approached their table.

"Hi." I awkwardly put my hands in my pockets and shift my gaze to Taehyung. I just nod at him, he nods back.

"Why don't you sit down, Yoongi." As if Taehyung's sarcastic tone wasn't obvious enough, he also pulls his mouth in a straight line and squints his eyes as he pulls the empty chair back.

I clear my throat and sit down at the little square table. "Thanks." I mumble in a similar tone.

"Actually, hyung, can I talk to you outside for a moment?" Jimin immediately stands up and nods his head in the direction of the door. I don't wait one second to get myself out of this uncomfortable situation and stand up as well.

"Yup." I feel Jimin's little hand on my lower back as he follows me to the door.

"Whoa, he really doesn't like me, does he?" I ask once we stand outside.

"What? Noooo, he's fine. Don't worry about it." Jimin tries to sound nonchalant, but I can tell from his worried expression that he's agreeing with me. And now we stand here, both unsure of what to do with our arms, looking at people passing by or at our shoes. I try to channel all the liquid courage which Hoseok just fed me and take a little step closer to Jimin.

"So, Jimin-ie... this might not be the best time to talk about it, but what happened earlier..." I pause as a group of laughing students pass by, and then finally dare to look into Jimin's eyes once the silence has returned. "I'm sorry I had to leave you behind like that, I really didn't want to." I bite my lip in anticipation of his reaction.

"That's okay, I understand you didn't really have a choice. I ehh..." Jimin pauses as another loud group walks by. "Well, I wanted to..." The door of the bar opens and distracts us again. I grunt and look around to spot a better location for this nerve wracking conversation. I grab Jimin's wrist as I notice the little ally right next to the restaurant and drag him in there. I stop behind the bright neon ad sign of the restaurant, causing the side of Jimin's face to light up so I can witness his little giggles. The restaurant on the opposite side is blowing dramatic smoke in the ally.

"Much better." I grin. "What were you saying?" I let my hand slide down from his wrist to his hand, and without a thought I start stroking his knuckles with my thumb.

Jimin takes a deep breath and steps a little closer to me. "I just really wanted to see you again, as soon as possible."

"Me too." I reply immediately, feeling relieved by Jimin's words. Relieved, but also a stirring feeling starts in my chest. I watch how Jimin's eyes jump back and forth between mine.

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