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I lay in bed under the blanket which Jimin tucked me under after we dried our tears. He kissed my forehead and returned to the kitchen to finish breakfast, so now I'm left with my phone and my thoughts. I read some messages of friends and people I should probably know, but I don't remember. I try to focus on their kind words, but my mind keeps drifting off.

Who would take pictures like that of me? First in the ally and now this. Is it some random paparazzi? Why would they only target me and leave Jimin out of it? I let my mind run around and eventually throw the blanket off of me and stalk to the kitchen.


"Hm?" He looks up from the steaming pot.

"I don't understand why no pictures of you are published. The photographer probably saw us getting in the car together, so they must have pictures of you as well. Same with the pictures in the ally with Taehyung, there must be pictures where you and him show clearly." I sit down on the stool and bite my lips nervously.

"Yeah, I've been wondering about that as well."


"Of course, it's super weird. Why would they leave me out? I mean, not saying I'm more interesting than you... but—."

"You're totally more interesting than me." I huff.

"What? No I'm not! Anyway, what if..." Jimin comes to lean on the counter opposite of me, "what if it's someone you know, targeting you specifically? Do you have any hardcore haters?"

"Well, it could be any random hater, or paparazzi, but what if..." I pause and rub my lips.


"Well, I know three people who wouldn't want to hurt you, but they don't exactly like me right now."

"Really? Who?"

"You won't like it, but..." I take a few seconds to reconsider sharing my thoughts, but I'm just too curious to hear what Jimin thinks, so I take a deep breath and start listing my ideas.

"First, Taehyung. He hates my guts and you know it. He desperately wants us to stop our... agreement. But that does mean he would have had to ask someone else to take that picture in the ally, so it's not super likely."

"Tae?? It's true that he... dislikes you, but I've known this guy for so long, he definitely wouldn't go this far just to chase you away. He's too smart for something so stupid."

"Alright, I'll trust your judgment of him. Then second, Minho. He pretty much caught us making out in the locker room and I'm sure Jisung told him some things about me... He probably doesn't like me because I broke his boyfriend's heart, and maybe he's afraid I'll do the same to you."

"Oi... that seems a bit far-fetched in my opinion. Would someone really go that far over just an ex of their partner? Minho can definitely be quite savage and he loves Jisung a lot, but..." He tilts his head.

"I don't know, people can be capable of very unreasonable things when it comes to love. And he knows your schedule. He could have easily seen us getting into your car outside the building, where he is almost every day. I'm just not sure how he would have been able to find us at the restaurant with Taehyung, though."

"Hm... Could he have followed you to the restaurant from the office?"

"I went somewhere with Hoseok first, so he'd have to have gone there as well." The more we talk about it, it becomes equally more and less likely that someone would purposefully follow me around like that, but it does happen. Isn't it always someone you'd least expect it from? The kind neighbour or the loving family member? Isn't the first suspect usually the ex or the partner of any party involved?

"Then lastly," I continue, "what about... Taemin? Maybe he found out about us and got jealous? Maybe he thinks you didn't give him a second chance because of me? And if he still cares for you he wouldn't want your face to show in the pictures."

"Aiai, Taemin... Out of all three he might have the most plausible reason, even though I also really don't think he'd be capable of hurting someone like this." Jimin frowns and swallows. I'm starting to feel bad for making Jimin think about his friends and ex-boyfriend in this way.

"I really don't think any of them would do something like that..." He sighs. "But it's true that a random paparazzi or hater wouldn't take the effort to keep my face out of it. They'd probably only like posting about both of us." He leans his chin in his hand and taps the cold surface with his other fingers. I look at his squinted, red eyes and I want nothing more than to turn back time so I can protect him better.

"Sorry for making you think of these things Jimin-ie." I mumble. "Maybe we should just drop it."

"It's okay hyung, I understand it crossed your mind." He smiles softly and straightens his back. "Let's just have some nice, hot breakfast and let 'future us' deal with this mystery. We won't find any answers now anyway."

The healthy breakfast disappeared in no time. Like a warm base it landed in my stomach and is heating my body from the inside out, pushing the cold thoughts into deeper corners of my mind. I feel like laying down and forgetting about the world, I want to cuddle against my chef's body while our feet play with each other under the blanket again. My apartment feels way too cozy right now and I don't want Jimin to leave and take the warmth with him.

"Jimin-ie, stay for a little while longer. Let's watch a few more episodes?"


My heart jumps a little at his direct answer and I start cleaning our bowls, but Jimin stops me. "I'll do that later hyung, come." He says softly and takes my hand to guide me back to my bedroom.

While getting back in bed I watch Jimin mindlessly take his sweatpants off before getting under the blanket as well. I love that it's not weird for him to just remove his clothes like that in front of me. He fluffs up the pillow so he can comfortably lean against it and I immediately place my shoulder against his.

About half an episode in I realise I'm barely paying attention to the scenes on the screen. I'm still trying to figure out if it makes sense to investigate Taehyung, Minho and Taemin as possible suspects of wanting to destroy my reputation. My feverish mind is having trouble to see what makes sense and what doesn't. My eyes slowly leave the screen and fall to the bedsheets under which our legs are creating little hills. I tickle the sole of Jimin's foot with my toes and he squeals while retracting his leg.

"Ya!" He giggles and turns his body to look at me as if he's highly offended. I just look at him and chuckle, teasing him like this is one of my favourite ways to get his attention every now and then. After his expression softens again he leans towards me and presses his lips against mine.

"What are you doing? You'll get sick." I mumble as I pull back quickly.

"I'm pretty sure we've been close enough already for you to infect me." He mumbles back and tries to kiss me again.

"But you're going on your tour soon, you really shouldn't get sick."

"I'll be fine." He places his hand on the back of my neck to hold me still so I can't escape his next attempt to lock our lips. I let it happen for a brief moment, but soon stop him again.

"Jimin-ie, I don't have the energy for sex now anyway..."

"I know..."

"Then why—"

"Would you just shut up?" He suddenly says sternly and presses his lips against mine again, causing butterflies to instantly flutter in my stomach and finally silence me.

His breathing is deep and his lips tenderly move around mine as he switches his focus between my upper and bottom lip. I surrender and allow myself to disappear into the slow kiss. Our tongues briefly meet every few heartbeats in soft and tender strokes.

There are no fireworks, no explosions, no lustful biting and sucking. Instead, I'm finding calmth in the smouldering fire, a spark here and there, our saliva whirling together and simmering, tenderly warming me from my core. He might have silenced my mouth with his kiss, but it's causing a deep, sunken drumming to rumble in my heart. This feels different. We just kiss. The sound of the voices on the screen become blurry. The thoughts in my mind become blurry.

Lines become blurry.

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