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"Oh. My. God. Lisa! I love how it turned out. You and your team did such a good job, as per usual." Jisoo peels her eyes off of the screen where the edited episode of Jimin and Jungkook just played. She turns to me and I can tell she tries to read my face for my opinion, as I'm not saying anything just yet. The editing has definitely been done very well, but with all the extra graphics, sound effects and texts it really does almost look like a dating show.

"Yoongi?" Jisoo nudges me with her elbow.

"Ehh, yeah, thanks for showing us Lisa. But ehh... don't you think it's a bit too..." I pause since I'm not sure which words to use.

"Fruity?" Lisa finishes my sentence.

"Well, yeah." I agree with a smirk.

"Jisoo told us it's okay. I think we actually held back a little." Lisa giggles. "We even cut Jungkook's joke about him being Cupid."

Jisoo scoots a bit closer to me. "Yoongi-ya, it's totally lighthearted, nobody will think anything of it." She almost whispers.

"I don't know... After the negative attention he got from those AI images I feel kind of bad publishing something like this. It's supposed to be about his dancing, not about..." I just manage to hold myself back from adding "us" to that sentence. Us. My memory quickly presents an image in my mind of a sweaty Jimin under me. I hide my mouth behind my hand as I feel the corners curl up in a smile and my cheeks get warm. My eyes jump to Lisa who is obviously also hiding a smile behind her pursed lips.

"Well, we can tone it down a bit. You're right, the focus should be on Lachimolala." Lisa sighs as she agrees.

I feel slightly relieved when Jisoo and I return to our own office. I'm not sure if I'm seeing things through a pair of extra rosey glasses, but I'd almost expect dating rumours to start if the episode would be aired like that. I wonder what that would be like, to have a dating rumour. Jimin went through it with Taemin and he said it definitely had a negative effect on the relationship. Not that Jimin and I are in a serious relationship, but I just don't want anything to fuck this up. I want to keep our little secret and stay in our own bubble. It's such a fucking good bubble.

"Yoongs, did you just say those things because you and Jimin kissed?" Jisoo asks immediately after the door closes.

Damn. I never should have told Jisoo about that.

"No." I half-lie. "Don't you also think it was a bit too much like a dating show? I know you and Lisa are close and you love everything she does, but even Lisa agreed with me."

"Well, fine... Maybe a bit." She sits down in her chair behind her laptop but keeps looking at me while I also sit down. "So... Have you seen him since that kiss?"

"N-no" I full on lie.

"Hmm... Also no date with him tonight? It's Friday, perfect date night." She winks at me.

"Jisoo, just forget about it okay?" I try to say sternly, but I'm afraid my smirk is revealing more than I want. I am in fact meeting Jimin tomorrow night. I've been waiting patiently since Tuesday to see him again, it's crazy how slow time can go when you're waiting to see your crush.

"Pff, fine, if you don't want to tell me..." Jisoo rolls her eyes and focuses on her laptop instead.

"There's nothing to tell." I mumble.

"Suuure..." Jisoo obviously doesn't believe me, and she shouldn't. "Anyway, have you heard Taemin is working on his new solo album? I was thinking... maybe it'll be fun to ask him on the show." She peeks her eyes at me again.

"Taemin??" Hearing his name makes my stomach turn. I could never have him on the show after what he did to Jimin."No. He wouldn't be a good fit for the show." I lie, again. He'd probably be a perfect fit, but I don't want to have to talk to him. How could I possibly remain nice and polite to him?

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