Humming she nods her head before leaving. "Leaving already?" I ask.
"You said I am going to be busy. I can not just ideally spend my time anymore, now can I?" Teasing was clear in her tone.
"I expect nothing less form the head of Will," in fruity tone I spoke.

I folded a letter and slipped it into an envelope. A thick rope in a combine of green and gold hung just to the right side of the window, which was behind my back. When I pulled that rope, the bell rang, making some tintinnabulation sound, hearing that sound miya came inside.
"Take that letter and send it to the dukedoom. Arrange for the departure, tomorrow we are leaving for the dukedoom," looking outside the window I say. Miya took the letter from the table and left bowing politely.


While reading the letter his face display shows how shock he was, his hands shake in anger, griped tightly on the paper, making the side of that letter crinkle.

It was a letter carrying the report about the of northeast border. While at the duke's command the villages near the border were kept secure but the discovery of a new monster shook the people there. It was much frightening than the others monster, it was stronger, bigger than others, it was like a Karken, it's legs were sharp and speed of the light, rampaging through the border. What Ivan did not understand was that, the Karken was supposed to show itself much time later, so why is it over there now? None of the people were ready to face that monster.

It was already past noon, no one knows how to deal with a Karken, how much despair they bring along with them, except for him. He did not want to repeat the tregedy he had suffer, the scar left by those monster still carve into his mind, scream of the people, their helpnessless, suffering clear to his ears. In hurry he prepared for his leave, at dusk.

Like a bat out of hell, he rode his horse through the paths of the forest to hastened his journey. yet no matter how hell of leather he tried to reach the border, it would still take him three days, enough for the karken to frenzied the village.

In the evening a letter arrive, address to the duke, it was from Arya. The butler who received that letter was disturb with his emotions, for what to do with the letter. In absence of his master, he would take care of the internals. No matter what other said, he believed that the relationship between the duke and the duchess could bloom. But, after the argue they (Ivan, Arya) had at the luncheon, they become distant. Not that they were close but they respected each other. But now what should he do, the person for whom this letter came is not present at that moment, sending this letter to him would took atleast two days, and as how hurriedly Ivan left, he will be buried in busyness. After thinking for a while he put the letter inside a drawer with the rest of the letters.

Will's resedance :


A reddish table was set in the middle of the room, on which some wood dust had fallen from the roof above, a glass hurricane was lit on the table, which gave light to our Madame Juliana to read some documents. She adjusted her glasses a little on the bridge of her nose while reading those papers. The scent of burning wood caught her nose, the fireplace not so far from her tablet, giving warmth to her on this harsh cold night.

Her mind was plundering with Arya's images, each action of her flabbergasted her, her clod demeanor as if enchanted by this bitter winter. Her every word rang as true as the piercing of a golden needle, striking my heart as she spoke. Indeed, it was our fault, we had the power to fight, to conquer but because we lost the will to fight and fled from the battlefield. Doom was meant to fall on us.

However, now we have the phoenix, am i allowed to hope for a future where my kind could live a normal life, just like before? Or will it repeat the elegiac history again? Deep inside my heart, rooted a single light of hope, telling me to trust her, pushing me to move onwards yet why I can not shake off the past cataclysm? Julianna exhale, unable to come to any conclusions.

A sudden touch of cold air brought her out of her thoughts and into reality.  The temperature in the room was slowly getting colder and the room was not as bright as before.  Upon look, it was noticed that the fire was almost burning.  She got up from her chair and took a piece of wood from the firewood basket next to the fireplace. The basket had a beautiful design of a deer's head, the fire made it look like both of it's eyes were two balls of fire, burning passionately.  She threw the logs into the fire one by one, it look like the woods were being eaten by the fire. Slowly the fire began to rise, its warmth was heating up the room again.

Her eyes are staring into the burning fire, mind full of thought. The sight of burning wood in a burning fire enthralle her. Even though it is likely that she will burn herself in the enternall fire just like those woods, she will still go one step further. Because now, she knew what lies ahead of her, what she must do. And, she will gladly walk on this thorny path.



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