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  Until everyone wrote down what they felt about each others, the night fall and now we were all around the campfire on the beach. Such a beautiful view.

"Draw a line under this moment. All of that negativity... all of those feelings... they're gone." Elo was saying throwing the papers in the fire. This feel so peaceful, I love it.

"Now, from now until Nationals, every last thought should be strategy... technique... and winning. Pairs training at dawn." Elo finished throwing the papers and left us there. Everyone sat down and no one was saying a word. It was quite weird but peaceful at the same time.

I sat beside beside Poppy and Griff, hugging my legs looking at the fire. Griff stand up and walked to get some firewoods so the fire doesn't go out.
I furrowed my eyebrows when I saw Griff picking up a paper. Oh no.

"What's that?" I asked Griff standing up to get the paper in case he would start reading it.

"Bodhi's becoming a total sheep. It's pathetic." Griff started to read and I didn't get to go to him and Poppy stormed to him trying to get the paper. This isn't good I whispered to myself and put a hand in my forehead.

"Griff, give that to me right now." Poppy was trying to get the paper.

"Or she's just does whatever Wren says. It's like she just latches on to anyone who can help her make it as a surfer." Griff continued and Summer got the paper and throw it in the fire. Kinda late for that.

"Wow." Bodhi said with tears in her eyes.

"To be fair, this isn't Poppy's fault. No one was meant to see that." Summer said looking at Bodhi.

"To late." Bodhi avoided the eye contact. Well, it was a beautiful night, until now.

"What? So you didn't write anything bad about anyone else?" Poppy exploded and I sat back down knowing this isn't gonna end well.

"I wrote that you're always showing off. And all this hooking up with different guys in secret. Not caring how it makes anybody else feel. It's arrogant." Bodhi started arguing too. I'm gonna throw myself in the water.

"Let's just call it a night, guys." Summer said trying to end this.

"No. No, it's not fair that Poppy and Bodhi are the only ones. I think... I think we should all hear something." Wren stand up staring the fight again.

"No, Wren, this is a terrible idea-" I tried to say but she interrupted me.

"Isa, it's fine. Okay? I mean... I'm happy to hear whatever Summer wrote about me, seeing as she practically wrote an essay." Wren added pointing at Summer. Why is she so assumed that Summer wrote about her...

"God, I didn't even write about you, Wren." Summer throw her head back.

"So, who'd you write about? Summer? Who'd you write about?" Wren was shaking her head like she's going insane.

"Ari. Do you wanna hear it?" Summer asked and Ari scoffed.

"Well, I mean, you never held back before, right?" Wren wanted so bad to hear what she wrote.

"Fine. I wrote that you're gutless. You're so busy pretending everything is fine that you're disappearing into your girlfriend shadow. You're desperate to avoid conflict and play things safe. But life's not like that, Ari! And you of all people should know that." Summer said looking at Ari and when I looked at him he had tears in his eyes. I barely wrote on that paper... how they got so many things. I tought while I saw Summer leaving.

"Okay, who's next?",  "shut up, Griff." Poppy and Bodhi said at the same time and Poppy left after that.

"Okay... I think we are done here. Griff you're coming with me." I stand up pointing at Griff and start walking away with him following me.

We walked a while on the beach having a little chat about that whole situation and we found a quite place where we could sit down to talk about the real problem.

"So. What did you wanted to talk about serious?" I asked Griff sitting on the sand.

"I really wanted to apologise for what you saw, and if I hurt you. That day, uh.. at the party I was drunk and I don't know what happened but I can tell that I'm sure I don't like Poppy." Griff answered looking at the sand.

"Yeah... well it did hurt me a little, because I care about you. But I also understand if you like her, she's very pretty and I was gone for a whole year and we didn't chat anymore and I tought that you might move on. And, you know." I said playing with the sand like an anxious girl that I am.

"I'm so sorry for that but no, I don't like her. Isa. I-" Griff was saying but then, he put his hand on my cheek and he pressed his lips against mine. Oh my, God. He put the other hand on my waist to pull me closer, his body felt so warm.

"I think we should go. It's getting kinda late." I pulled away and smiled at him.

"Yeah." He smiled then we walked back to the camp.

Once I got to the camp I was walking towards Summers tent because I was sleeping with her, but I stopped when I saw Ari coming out of the tent. What was he doing there. He looked in my way when I realised that he wasn't actually looking at me but at someone behind me. I turned around to see who is and I got a jumpscare.

"Baxter, oh my God. I was about to have a heart attack. Why you sneaking up like that?" I asked him catching my breath. I tought it was a serial killer or something and he was about to cut my neck with the surfboard.

"I'm sorry Isa. But what was Ari doing in your tent?" He asked me looking at Ari leaving.

"I have no idea but he probably talked with Summer, they got in a fight." I answered looking back at the tent.

"Okay, I'm gonna go. Good night." He patted my head. Am I a dog or something?

"Good night." I answered and entered the tent where Summer was. She was looking at the ceiling without saying a word. What happend here?

"Hey Summer. What was Ari doing here?" I asked getting in my sleeping bag.

"Nothing. He just came to apologise and to tell me that I was right about him, again." Summer answered. Kinda suspicious.

"Oh, alright." I layed on my back and I closed my eyes slightly but I fall asleep immediately.

Finally:)), they finally talked, and this is the reason I needed a quick answer about which one I need to chose, so I would've know with who she should kiss. I hope y'all liked this chapter :D

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