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  I woke up with a huge back pain because I had to sleep on the floor and it was awful.

"Isa? Are you awake?" Summer whispered.

"I am." I sighed putting my hand over my face.

"How did you sleep?" Summer asked me smiling.

"Like hell." I chuckled trying not to wake Margot.

"Mom!" I head Summer shouted.

"What? Okay, thats it." I heard then Margot getting up from the bed and walking out of the room.


I was sitting in the living room with Ari, Honey and their mother because I had to leave Margot and Summer to have a private chat. Then I saw Wren entering the house. Beautiful.

"There's no more smoothie left." Honey said looking at her, giving me a glass of smoothie and saw Wren raising her eyebrows at me.

"Yes, there is." Ari added fast handing her a glass of smoothie then kissing her.

"A bit much, Ma! You agreed to the party!" I suddenly heard Summer coming in the living room with Margot beside her.

"I agreed to a team-bonding session. You hosted backyard gymnastics and maimed your captain." Margot said angrily pointing to Wren.

"I'll live." Wren smiled and I rolled my eyes. Sure she will, it's not the dead if you screw up your ankle a little.

"She's dragging us back to States, Honey." Summer said while Honey handed her a glass of smoothie. What? I'm not going back I just got here.

"What?! This is outrageous!" Honey answered.

"Really? You're welcome to stay. Let me clear out the junk room for you." Abbie gestured toward the room. Yeah no thanks, I reather sleep on the floor.

"For a month? Thanks, but no. Um... sorry, I've gotta send some work emails." Margot said walking back to the room.

"Why are you leaving? You agreed we could stay until Nationals." Summer followed her.

"Mom, Summer is my mentor. And Isa it's teaching me tricks. You have to do something." Honey said towards her mother as I smiled at her. This girl is so sweet.

"Let Margot have her coffee. Then we've got a chance." Abbie said. We heard a car horn beeps and I looked to the window trying to see who is it.

"Oh. Um, that's Elo. We should really go." Wren turned her back to us and Summer just shook her head and head back to the room and I throw myself on the couch.


Margot gave us a last chance for Summer with the competition and we left to the beach with Ari. We got in the water to surf a little, more for Summer to hear the competition rules again.

Surviving Summer <3 | Griff Temple Where stories live. Discover now