Big plans

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I was watching surfers from the shore because I didn't have a suit and a boardsurfing to join them, and I was waiting for the surfing competition to start.
I stared walking on the beach, and after a while I met Pops who decide to walk with me.
After a while I saw Summer heading towards the water.

"What the hell is she doing, Sheridan almost ran over her!!" , Poppy Said.
"Sheridan, that is the girl who was with that group yesterday?", I asked.
"Yeah, it's from the rival team", poppy said.

We started running towards Summer, which was heading back to the road where a car passed over her skateboard.

"HEY!", Summer scream towards her.
"So sorry, was it yours?", the blonde girl said and leave.
"What happened?" , I asked Summer.
"That girl just passed over my skateboard with the car", she said angrily.
"It's ok, we will take a new one", poppy said to her.


"It's the Shorehaven Pro Junior, and the situation is precipitous. Five minutes left in the quarter finals, and Gibson and Sousa face off from the start. The others two competitors are overtaken", the speaker voice said.

I watch the competition while Poppy prepares.

"Hey, does your brother have time to take me to the airport?, Summer ask Poppy.
"I don't know, Manu is pretty busy but...", "Prawni, you take Summer to the airport later?", Poppy asked her brother.
"Ye, if she's into Baker Boy, and she's ready for leaving at 15:00", the boy said.
"Ok, done", Poppy affirmed.
"Cool", Summer said

"Wait, are you leaving today?", I asked her.
"Yea", Summer answered.
"Everything ok?", Poppy ask.
"Yea, once I get on that plane everything will be fine ", summer said.


The boys started arguing.

"Yo", Ari yelled at Marlon.
"I didn't touch you man" Marlon said.
"Sure, must have been a dolphin or something", Ari started.
"Why are you complaining, you got qualified" Marlon scream.

Marlon walk off, and Ari followed him and grabbed him by the shoulder.

"You really wanna do this?", Marlon ask.
*they start fighting*

Me, Poppy and Summer walk towards Bodhi.

"It's some mitical rituals and I don't know about, or it's a stupid boy fight", Summer ask.
Poppy and Bodhi say at the same time, "a stupid boy fight"
"Yea, I don't have time for this", Poppy said and leave.
"stop guys, it's really unhealthy", Bodhi jumped in.
"UP!, it you wanna be disqualified, keep this way", Manu said.

"What's going on here", a man ask.
"Sorry, we just messing around", Marlon said and Ari agree.
"Ok, be careful boys", the man said and leave.

"That was pretty deplorable", a girl said.
And a few of de group laughs.

I saw Summer walk toward them.

"Hey, remember me?", Summer said looking at the skateboard. "You own me a new skateboard", she yell.
"If you're going to leave it laying in a carpark, it's not my fault it gets busted", Sheridan said.
"I think $200 should cover it", "Oh and that's U.S. by the way", summer said.
"How about a couple of onion rings?" Sheridan ask.

Me and Poppy walk by Summer.

"Sheridan, Hey", Poppy said to the blonde girl.
"Can I talk to you about something real quick?", Poppy asked Summer.

Sheridan is looking at me.

"Oh, Hi! The girl from yesterday",Sheridan said looking at me.
"Hi!", I greet her.
"Is she a friend of yours?", Sheridan asked Poppy.
"Yea, it's recent", "This is Summer and Isa", Poppy said.
"Hey Pops, nice job making the quarters. Just cause you didn't make many finals last year", The tall and handsome boy said to Poppy.
"And Isa, I heard you surfing, can't wait to see you in the competition" He said and winked at me.
"Thanks for the support Griff", Poppy said to him.
"Sure you will see me in the competition", I answered and smile at him.
"Come on let's go", Poppy said.

"Who are they?" I smile and ask Poppy.
"Don't even think about it, Griff is a jerk, and they are Anchor Cove Boardriders, they've has  massive tickets on themselves. Just ignore them.", Poppy answered me.
"Are you kidding? We needs to payback.", Summer said.
"I'll get payback in the water." -Poppy answered and leave us.
"Summer what do you want to do?", I ask her.
"You will see", she said and smile.

"Still here America?", Marlon ask Summer.
Summer looked at him and smile.


"Early days in this quarter final and it's back and neck, Shorehaven's Poppy Tetanui and Anchor Cove' Lily Tran. Tetanui might be to late to chatch this one. No! Hold up, she's all over it. Tran, of course from the formidable Anchor Core Boardrider's Club, and that place is just a champion factory.", the commentator said.

"Whoo! Smoking Poppy!, Marlon scream.

I saw them besides a car, and I walk beside them.

"Will you keep it down?", Summer asked Marlon.
"What are you doing guys?", I asked them.
"Wow, Isa if you wanna see sit down and watch", Summer said and I sat beside Marlon.

I saw Sheridan beside her car taking a surfboard.

"I'm thinking we'll just break one of her boards", Summer whispered.
"WHAT!, are you kidding?"- I yelled at her.
"KEEP IT DOWN", she yelled to.


We abandoned the payback plan and watch the competition with Marlon.

"And Sheridan Morehouse takes it out comfortably. Local hopeful Bodhi Mercer and Poppy Tetanui knocked ot of the competition. Next up, the first of the under 16 Boys semi-finals.", commentator said and I saw Ari running away.

"And a 6.2 for Marlon Sousa puts him in second place.", I heard the commentator.

I was looking for Summer and Ari and I spot Summer going to the Sheridan's car.

*oh, no no no*, I said in my mind.

"Hi Isa!" Sheridan say to me.
"Hi Sheridan!", I answered looking at Summer

I heard a horn and the commentator say at the same time, "Griff Temple continues his dominant run, as he takes out the semifinal.

I walk back beside Bodhi and Poppy and I sit next to Poppy, and I heard Summer scream
"Yo, whach out!", and everyone turn at her and Sheridan run back.

"Did she do that on purpose?, Poppy ask.

Sheridan turn back with her surfboard broken.


                         Hi, this was chapter 2
I know it pretty long but I hope you like it ✨✨. And don't forget to vote :)🏄‍♀️

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