First day

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As we left the airport a woman with her husband and daughter waited for us with a sing

"They are so cool" the little girl whispered to her mother.

I smiled to her.

In the car we sat on the back seats and in the middle the little girl.
"So do you Summer remember anything here?", she asked.
"I have been gone since I were 4 so I don't remember anything here" Summer answered

"What do you girls need the most now?" the women asked
"Signal", Summer said.
"Well signal is only on the Rezeption point", the man told us.

"There is a big surf competition this weekend that's why Ari couldn't be here", Abby informed us.
"Are you into surfing?" the little girl asked Summer.
"No, but Isa is", she told to the girl and looked at me
"Really?", Abby asked me.
"Yeah I went almost every week surfing in New York ", i answered
"Than you are right here", Abby said


"So were is the Rezeption point?", Summer ask.
"It's over there!" Thommo told us.
"Ok than I'm off to go", Summer said and went with her skateboard.
"Well, I'm going to check this here out", i said.
"Ok we will be here", little girl said.

I walked off and went to the beach. I put my headphones and turned volume of the music loud .
"Hey, new here", someone pointed on my shoulder.
"Fu*k you scared me", I said and I turn back taking my headphones down, a blonde girl with a few more boys and girl looking at me
"Sorry we didn't mean to", she said looking back at the group.

Two girls and a boy were coming to us.

"Hi Sheridan, you need something?", the boy with curly hair said coming towards us,
"No, I don't, I was just getting to know my new rival, I suppose", the blonde girl said and leaving with the group

"Hi, I'm Marlon, and this is Poppy and Bodhi" the boy informated me.
"Hi, I'm Isabella but you can tell me Isa" I answered.
"You have an American accent. Where are you from?", he asked me.
"I'm from NewYork" I answered.

The speaker voice said a number. "Oh sorry that's me", he said and turned around. "Nice to meet ya", and he walk off.

"You must be one of the new American girl" one of the girls ask.
They seemed very friendly.
" yeah right", I said with a smile
"So how long are you staying here?" , Bodhi asked.
"Idk as long as my friend is planning", I answered.

"Maybe you want to come to the party tonight and we could get to know each other. You could bring your friend too and Ari" , Poppy said
"Oh yeah,sure, thanks" , I answered.
"Then see you later ", they said and I walked over to the beach with my headphones on.

~~skipping the party~~

*someone knockes at my door*

"Can I come in?", Summer said.
"Sure", I answered
Summer sat down and looked at me. "So I'm booking an ticket back to NYC for tomorrow.", she told me with no expression on her face
"You what?", I was in shocked.
"Yeah I wanna go home. Are you coming with me?" , she asked me.
"Why don't you wanna stay here and see how it goes here?", I asked and layed on my back.

"I don't wanna stay, I wanna go see my friends and feel home. So are you coming with me or not?", she said, and she wasn't kidding.
"I don't know, I think I will like here more than in NewYork, here are surf competition and big waves". I said.
"Ok but if you like here for surfing it doesn't mean I like it either." she said angrily.
"Ok let me think about it, ok?". I said to calm down the situation.
"Ok, see ya tomorrow", she said and stood up.
"Good night"
"Good night"

Ok guys I hope you like it, and it's not so long this chapter but the next one will be longer :D

Surviving Summer <3 | Griff Temple Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora