The chaos

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We end up now at the party that we promised that won't be a chaos but it is. I was walking around looking for people to not do anything that would ruin our life's and I spot Summer, Bodhi and Poppy dancing and I decided to get in the house to be sure nothing happend in there if Summer wasn't checking up.
I was on the hallway when I heard a girl laughing. What the fuck? I really hope no one is doing things in the rooms. I entered in the room that had an "keep out" sign on it that I assumed Summer put it. I opened the bathroom door and oh good.

"Hey! Are y'all blind or something? Can you not read?" I asked the two who were kissing.

"Well, sometimes I choose not to. You wanna, uh... come join us? We're very inclusive, right?" Bax turned towards me being too serious for this. Ew.

"You're serious?" The girl asked disgusted. I hope he's not.

"A little." Bax watched her leaving as walked aside for her to walk out.
"No, come back." Bax added like he didn't even care that she was leaving picking up a robe.

"That's Summer's mom, you can't wear it." I tried to reach it but he turned his back at me. This boy.

"Yeah, well, she's got good style. Unlike whoever owns this place." Bax replied putting the robe on him. That isn't even gonna fit him.

"You need to follow your girlfriend. And give me that." I leaned on the wall.

"No, I prefer to let 'em fly. You know? Besides, she's a bit of a vacuum pasher. The whole kinda..." and he start doing sucks sounds with his lips.

"Hey, stop it! Poor girl. Rumours like that spread fast around here." I added crossing my arms.

"I haven't heard any rumour about you yet. Are you not doing anything funny?" He put his hand on my shoulder but I pushed it down.

"Well I did heard about you burning down that Boardriders after Nationals last year." I added.

"Damn. News travels." He frowned his eyebrows. Oh I got him.

"So the rumours are true." I smiled lifting my head to look at him. Not gonna lie he is kinda tall.

"Relax. I left my matches at home. I'm just here to meet new people. Bax."  He raised his hand and I took it.

"Well, meet 'em in the pool, not Summer's mom's bathroom. And lose the robe." I said pulling him by the robe and then leaving him there. I walked outside and  I stopped beside Summer who was watching the peoples dancing in pairs on a slow music. I could throw a bomb between them I swear.

"Just change that music already." I said to Summer as she took out her phone playing the next music.

"Thank you. I was literally about to fall asleep." Poppy passed by us entering the house with a cup in her hand.
I noticed Summer watching Ari and Wren about to kiss so I got in her view.

"Stop staring at them it's wierd. Let's do something fun." I said but she didn't respond and just left me there. That was rude, but I understand her. If I was in her place I would've go to him and punch him in the face.

A few minutes later I found Ari and Marlon talking about, I don't know what so I decided to go to them, maybe I finally get to talk to someone here.

"What if he decks me?" It the only thing I heard Marlon saying once I get beside them.

"Who to decks you?" I asked confused as Ari looked at me. They started to walk somewhere so I decided to follow them like a duck cuz why not.

"So you're gonna rile him up, and when he takes a swing at you, I'm supposed to film it?" Ari asked Marlon kinda confused too.

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