Deadly team

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"And here we are at the last day of Nationals

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"And here we are at the last day of Nationals. Heaps of young surfers have been out there practicing, and for good reason. Today we're on the individual Competition." The commentator was saying and the other one joined.
"Yeah, now every surfer has the chance to make the final and bring home some big points for their teams. This is where careers are made." She added and I was stressed as hell for this. We were on the 4th place and I wasn't happy, we are way better than 4th, but the others are good surfers too.

I was sitting at our big tent and looking around the beach analysing every person that was passing by. I looked over to Griff and Tommy and saw them playing some game with their hands. How are these guys so chill about everything?

It was Ari's time to get in the water and I can see that he was freaking out.
I stand up walking beside Wren and Elo so I can watch Ari better,but he wasn't doing very good. I was concerned until I fell a hand over my shoulders.

"Oh, hi." I said looking up to see Griff smiling at me. He is gonna give me a heart attack some day.

"How are you, Isa?" He asked me looking back at the water. I can tell that he's more nervous than me.

"I'm good. But Ari doesn't seem very good out there, I'm kinda worried." I said.

"Yeah, I think there are lots of things on his shoulders. He is gonna drag us down if he's not focused." Griff sand and the siren sound when he finishes the sentence. Ari literally got no waves, that's insane.

After some minutes I walked with the boys back at the table we were sitting in the morning to find Elo shouting and putting even more pressure on Ari's shoulders.

"Alright, back off. You don't get to talk to him like that." Summer argued with Elo. But girl, you better not.

"Summer, don't." Ari tried to say but Elo cut him off.

"Wanna join him on the bench?" Elo replied.

"I'd rather quit surfing forever than winning anything for you." Summer said and I widened my eyes. If I was Elo, I would've exploded.

"Summer, just chill." I whispered to her, didn't thinking That she would listen but at least I tried.

"Isa. Remember the purge paper? Elo wanted that to happen. She set it all up." Summer said and I don't think I was the most shocked.

"What?" Poppy furrowed her eyebrows. This is going to be a war.

"She did the same thing to Tuscany a year ago. The bonfire, the stray paper, everything." Summer added. Well, what can I say? RIP team.

"Wren, you said Tuscany bullied you." Bodhi asked Wren confused.

"She did. She wrote horrible things about me." Wren said but Summer jumped again.

"Because you made her life hell. And this is what Elo does. She turns us all against each other just to get us fired up in the water. Poppy and Bodhi, Bax and Adi, me and Wren..." Summer continued but Wren interrupted her.

"Bodes, I don't know what she's talking about." She said. Hell you don't.

"Yes, you do. You both do." I joined them. I know they do know, they just want everyone to look bad but still win for Elo, they even used Bax, and hes honestly a grate surfer.

"Exactly, could we just be honest for once?" Bax agrees with me looking at Elo.

"All of you, listen up. When I took this job, you were the team who could bearly beat Tasmania. You might not like my methods, but here we are. We're in reach for the trophy. Obviously, you needed to hear some harsh truths." Elo finally spoke up after Summer throwed all the rocks to her. How we could be better at surfing by arguing with each other's? What's the point.

"Harsh truths? Yeah? Well, if you're really about the truth, tell Bax what you did." Summer walked toward Elo. Summer also told me about that story.

"What's she talking about, Elo?" Bax asked and I felt again an arm on my shoulder.

"Hey, um.. wanna go for a walk? I can't really understand what's happening here but it isn't on us." Griff asked me but when I was about to ask I saw Ari standing up and leaving then Bax after him.

"This is a 10-minutes warning for the next heat, the Girl's Infividual." I heard the commentator saying.

"Yeah, sure, let's go." I shook my head to clear my mind.

We walked on the beach and talked for a while, but in the final, Poppy and Bodhi got eliminated. There are still, Griff and Tommy and Summer with Wren but we are kinda screwed. Bax left, Ari too and I think Wren left with him, so if Wren is not going to surf, I will.
The boys were getting ready and Marlon came to replace Bax. I hope Wren isn't gonna show up. If we aren't gonna win at least I could surf too.
At the thought of the boys getting ready for surf I stand up, picking the wax and walking to Griff. I spotted him looking for something, bet it's the wax. I smiled at the thought.

"You are looking for this?" I put the wax in his face and he smiled. Bingo.

"Yeah, thank you so much. You saved my life." He laughed and so did I. He was wearing a pink shirt, the pink look nice on him tho. How I didn't noticed until now he also got an ear piercing, I thought then I realised that I was starting.

"You're welcome." I smiled and I kissed his cheek. He just smiled back with a shook face. My heart is racing right now, I haven't done this before, usually the boys were the ones doing this but I felt like I should do it.

Ari came to us and started to do a wierd dance, I guess for hyping us up? But I think it's working because I feel my smile growing while watching him doing the wierd dance. I glanced over to Griff who did the same and I chuckled.

"Uh... okay... What?" Marlon said looking a little embarrassed of Ari's dance and than made me laugh even more.

"What are you doing Ari?" I asked him, trying to stop laughing.

"Summer should know, it's her choreography." Ari said pointing at Summer and she smirked at him.

"No, but why are you doing it?" Summer asked him still smiling. Does it matter? It's just funny.

"Every other team has something they do to psych themselves up." He said starting to dance again and I put my had over my eyes so I could not laugh.

"Come on, I'm dying up here, please." Ari said, he look so happy.

"I can see that." Summer replied and I looked at Ari going to her, throwing the box to Tommy.

"Come on, Summer." He said putting the arms out for her. They are so cute, but I would do this if I would've been her, I'm sorry.

They started to dance and we all laughed even more. I love having fun with the people i love, it feels so refreshing for me. Poppy stand up and take out the hand towards me to dance with her. Well, I did said that I wouldn't do it? Hell, I'm doing it.
I really feel embarrassed but at least I'm having fun, and the others too. We should do this more often.

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