Chapter 30.2 - Not So Fast

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"Let's go!" Ivy exclaimed as she launched into the air, squinting her eyes against the bright bulb and grinning at Uncle Taner, Captain Lightwell, and Marie as they raced to catch her.

As she ascended, however, she came to a sudden realization: Wait...this cave has a ceiling! she thought with a gasp. I can't hit my shoulder again!

She kicked her feet and redirected herself from the rapidly approaching rocks, barely catching her balance as she slowed to a float mere inches from the ceiling. "Phew," she sighed.

"I'll give you three seconds to turn the bulb off and return to ground level," Captain Lightwell evenly said, pointing the vaporizer at her. Its entire surface was covered in lights, and the tip was illuminated. The whirring noise from the machine sounded far louder in the cave as it bounced around and amplified. I can hardly think against that sound! she thought, squinting against the dizzying noise.

"Herbert, you wouldn't!" Marie cried. "Stop!"

"One," he said.

What do I do? Ivy thought. I can't get out of here so fast!

"Captain Lightwell, don't!" Uncle Taner said, running to the captain.

Captain Lightwell whipped the vaporizer to face him. "Stay out of this," he growled. "Two," he yelled, eyeing Ivy on the ceiling.

This guy is insane! Ivy thought. Her eyes flickered to the rock formations on the ceiling, now at her eye level. The stalactites...


Without hesitation, Captain Lightwell pointed the vaporizer at her and slid the trigger square on its side. Please work, please work, please work! Ivy thought as she darted behind a neighboring sharp rock structure.

With a loud boom, a beam of light from the weapon came in contact with a rock beside her, bursting it into pieces. He wasn't aiming for me? she thought, staring at the neighboring crumbling stone.

"That was a warning shot," he said, his voice low and calm.

Ivy squinted at the weakened rocks. Okay, plan B, she thought, pinching the power level dial.

"I won't miss the second time," Captain Lightwell called.

"And I won't wait to see it," Ivy muttered, floating forward until she was almost horizontal to the ground. Quickly, she crouched sideways on the stalactite. "See ya!" she yelled, pushing her feet onto the rock and maxing out the power, all while pushing her feet with all her might.

The bulb flashed brighter than ever, and all Ivy could see for a few terrifying seconds was the bright white of the bulb's light. I actually knocked off some stones, she thought as she hurtled through the air.

She grinned as she heard the crashing rocks and the yells of the adults. At least I know that went right! she thought, listening as their yells faded into the distance. As her vision cleared, however, she gasped.

In front of her were several large stalactites hanging from the ceiling. "Woah!" she exclaimed as she narrowly slipped between two large ones.

She wove around more of the stone structures and twisted her dial to drop lower than the uneven dips in the cave's ceiling, barely dodging as they rapidly approached.

As sudden as her departure, Ivy barreled out into open space, her eyes sharply adjusting to the bright light of the outdoors.

"Ow!" she yelled, hugging the bulb closer. She drew in a sharp breath at the painful tug in her shoulder. Easy does it, Ivy, she thought. No sudden movements.

Ivy and the Fluorescent LightbulbWhere stories live. Discover now