Chapter 8 - Registration

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"How are you not in trouble for being out so late?" Ivy asked as they walked along the long pathway.

"As far as our parents can tell," Syndria said, "we're at a sleepover at Uncle Taner's."

"Which, technically, will be true!" Uncle Taner said, swiftly jogging up the stairs. "Once we finish registering Ivy." He held the large entry door open as they filed into the grand entrance.

The room matched the building's exterior—stately and traditional. Conduits of neon lights ran through the floors, walls, and ceilings in intricate patterns. Large ferns furnished various seating areas, and vines grew around the towering columns in the space. Uncle Taner marched on, unphased by the opulence of the room.

"I've never actually come here before," Kronalia said, staring at the ceiling in wonder. "It's so much prettier than I thought it'd be!"

"I wonder what it took to build a place such as this," Carbon said, slowing to look at a holographic map of the building.

"Ivy, don't fall behind," Oak said, ignoring the other's statements. "They might have time to be tourists, but we don't. You need to stick with Uncle Taner to get this registration over with." He glanced at her to make sure she was following, then hurried to match stride with Uncle Taner. Ivy quickened her steps, Kronalia and Carbon close on her heels.

"Here we are," Uncle Taner said, sharply changing directions and veering to a pair of glass doors. The doors opened as he approached, revealing a long hallway with uniform doors flanking either wall. He picked a door and stepped inside. Ivy, Oak, Syndria, Kronalia, Carbon, and Augaley sat on a plush bench on the side of the room, while Uncle Taner stood in the center and swiped open a holographic panel.

After tapping a few buttons, he stepped aside, leaning against a wall. "Okay, Ivy," he said, "step into the center of the room. It's going to scan you now."

Ivy stepped to the glowing dot in the center of the room. <<Initiating scan,>> a robotic voice said.

A blinding flash of light seared Ivy's eyes. "Ack!" she exclaimed, flinching.

"Keep still," Uncle Taner calmly said. "There'll be a couple more flashes like that."

Sure enough, two more flashes temporarily blinded Ivy's vision. She quickly blinked as her vision returned. In front of her was a holographic screen, showing a 3D model of herself. Cool! she thought.

"...Huh," Uncle Taner said, squinting at the screen.

"What? Is something wrong?" Ivy said.

"It says you have ADHD," he said.

"I have what now?"

"It's not a big deal," he said with a small wave. "Type your name into the screen."

"Alright..." Ivy said with a hesitant frown. What's that supposed to mean? she thought. "Is it contagious?" she asked.

"Of course not," Uncle Taner said.


"Don't worry about it," he asserted. "We don't have much time; let's finish this first."

Ivy obediently entered her name and the screen flashed a faint green. <<Registration complete. Thank you for registering with The System, Ivy Rochester, and welcome to the city of Verra.>>

"I've set you up with a traveler's registration," Uncle Taner explained. "That's the most believable story I can think of for your circumstances." He opened the door. "Let's go. We're heading back to my lab now."

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