"What the fuck... Narae, you're a fucking stalker." I say with clenched teeth.

"Stalker? I'm just looking out for my Jimin, he's obviously incapable of choosing a decent lover himself." She laughs devilishly. "Oh, and Yoongi, I'm sorry about that AI audio of you, I just had to make sure you two wouldn't bump into each other in the building anymore after you finally stopped seeing each other. Or... am I sorry? Not really. Not at all actually, I loved watching you walk out of the building that day."

"That was you as well? You fucking bitch." I growl and step towards her, but Jimin holds me back.

"Ooh, want to punch me Yoongi? I'm sure you do." She grins and stands up. "I'm sure you know you're way stronger than me, how could I possible win against the two of you?" Her sarcastic tone and fake pout make me sick to my stomach. She's definitely up to something.

"Then why don't you just stay seated, huh?" I try to suggest calmly and turn to Jimin. "Jimin-ie, call the police." I whisper.

"I— Oh shit!" Jimin exclaims and I turn back around. The shimmering of a knife immediately catches my eye.

Narae holds the large, sharp object up with a big grin. "Tadaa! Maybe I can beat you two after all! I'm so glad I grabbed this earlier, just in case, you know. Fuck, I'm so smart."

I slowly put my hands up. "Narae, I don't think you want anyone to get hurt. Let's just put the knife down and we'll talk, alright?"

"Talk?? Alright... Let's get something straight here then. Jimin, tell me honestly, do you really want this man?" She points the knife back and forth between us.

"Yes." He answers.

"Jimin... don't make it worse." I whisper towards him.

"I love him." Jimin states loudly. I purse my lips and hold my breath.

"You love him? Love?? Come on, you know he's no good for you. You'd be way better off with someone like me. I'll love you properly."

"You can't force him to love you, Narae." I say while taking a small step towards her to take her attention off of Jimin.

"Stay out of this!" She points the knife at me. "Do you even love Jimin?!"

"More than anything." I answer.

"Yeah right..." She rolls her eyes. "Nobody loves him like I do."

"If you really love him, then why don't you put the knife down before someone gets hurt." I try to convince her once again, even though I know it's pointless. This is not going to end that easily.

"Why would I put the knife down now that I know he wants you instead of me?"

"What do you mean? You want to hurt me? Go on then, try." I smirk, trying to see if she's bluffing.

"Hyung??" Jimin whispers loudly.

"You? Ha! No, I don't want to see your disgusting blood." She pulls her nose up while looking me up and down.

"Then what's your plan here? You want to hurt Jimin? The man you supposedly love so much?" I scoff.

"If he doesn't want me, then why should he live?" She rolls her eyes and snickers. Fuck. Would she actually try to hurt Jimin? Is she capable of something like that? Sure, it's two against one, but I don't know what kind of skills she has, especially with that smug attitude and pointy knife firmly gripped in her hand. If she would just take one step closer, maybe I can...

"Narae, if you want me then let's just talk, huh? Put the knife down and I'll listen to you." Jimin walks up towards Narae.

"Jimin-ie, don't—" I pull him back behind me, looking away from Narae for just a second or two, but the shimmering of the knife in the corner of my eye snaps me back. Like a wild animal hunting her prey she shoots towards us and in an instant I can't see, hear of feel anything aside from the moving of my own body.

In what feels like a split second I'm suddenly facing Jimin, my hands on his shoulders. His eyes are glazed with fear and his mouth is wide open. Is he screaming? I only hear white noise.

My attention shifts back to Narae behind me when I feel something pull my shoulder. I turn around and waste no time in punching her as hard as I can. Like in slow motion she falls down. Knocked out. I throw myself to the floor besides her so I can turn her around and grab her hands to hold them behind her back. I look around me to find something to bind her hands together, but my eyes land on the red knife on the floor. Red.


I suddenly feel a warm liquid run down the left side of my back. Jimin runs towards me from the kitchen with a towel. What is he saying? Everything sounds like muffled echos. He kneels next to me and presses the towel against the back of my shoulder. I look at him and I try to talk, but I can only feel my lips moving. No sound. I try again. Still nothing. My vision slowly narrows and fades to black. I want to tell him to tie her up, to hide the knife, to call the police. Am I even saying anything at all?

My head becomes too heavy to hold up. The last thing I feel is my forehead landing on Jimin's shoulder.

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