Rule Number 7: Never let Blue get the handcuffs (Christmas special)

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Warnings: None, I think

Synopsis: How in the world...

"Angeeeeel~" Blue's singsong voice echoed through the hallway, coming closer as footsteps made their way toward Dream. Those sounds were followed closely by the rattling of a piece of metal.

The latter gulped, gripping the ends of the armchairs his wrist was handcuffed to. Soon, his boyfriend came to view with an eerie euphoric smile.

... did he get himself into this situation?!


Merry Christmas everyone! I hope you guys have an amazing time this holiday and here you have my contribution to this quite marvelous holiday. Quite literally holy. BUT ANYWAY, NOT THE POINT.

This one-shot is based on a YouTube video from one of my favorite French youtubers, I didn't really make up anything. I doubt any of you would be interested in seeing it but just in case, I will be leaving a link.

If one of your traditional Christmas dishes was dissed, I profusely apologize for it. All criticism here is used for comedic purposes, please don't behead me.


How in the world...

"Angeeeeel~" Blue's singsong voice echoed through the hallway, coming closer as footsteps made their way toward Dream. Those sounds were followed closely by the rattling of a piece of metal.

The latter gulped, gripping the ends of the armchairs his wrist was handcuffed to. Soon, his boyfriend came to view with an eerie euphoric smile, looking the other up and down with a strange glee.

"I hope you didn't wait for me for too long!" He continued happily, reaching for Dream's free hand. Once his fingertips brushed his skin, he grabbed his hand and tugged it toward him, approaching another pair of handcuffs to his wrist much to Dream's dismay.

"It took me much longer to find this one, you should really tidy up your office, we have lost so much time already!" He lamented as the click of the handcuffs echoed in Dream's head, like it was the beginning of his downfall. Which it might as well have been since he was not going to come out of this 'session' in one piece.

A beep indicated the anti-magic barrier had been activated on this pair as well.

Once he let his hand fall again, a wide grin stretched across Blue's face as he leaned toward the other, tilting said one's head so he would be looking into his blue eyes. "So, should we get started?"

... did he get himself into this situation?!


Half an hour earlier...

"I'm home!" Dream shouted as he opened the door, hanging his coat near the entrance. As he started to make his way toward the couch in the living room, a wild Blue with crossed arms and a pouting face appeared and blocked his way.

"You came back late." The reproaching tone in his voice made his feelings about the observation very clear. "Really, I thought you were going to leave your adorable boyfriend all alone for Christmas Eve!" He complained, walking up to him before dramatically leaning on his shoulder.

Dream sighed, patting his head. "I apologize, I was not expecting to have to intervene in another peace talk today."

"You are going to have to make it up to me, you know?" Blue pouted again. "I am very upset by this unexpected betrayal."

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