Three Things Dream Likes about Blue (Drue)

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More Drue to tell because we all need that.

You can all thank @JayWasLost and Lillymfss for most of what you're about to read-


Warnings: S I m p (+ non-canon elements)

Synopsis: Dream had been sat on the couch for approximately five miserable seconds before he heard their bedroom's door swing open, hurried footsteps heading straight toward him.

The next moment, Blue had sat down on his lap, his legs resting on the empty seats next to him while he was latched onto his left arm, head leaning on his shoulder.


Number One: The way he would cling to him

Dream may complain about Blue being too close to him often, but he would only really complain when they would be in public or if the former had something important to do which required the other to let go of him.

Otherwise, he would welcome him with open arms, no complaints on his lips.

Though, as much as he loved Blue, he would never admit to his face that he found his habit of clinging to him adorable.

He most likely already knew about his feelings on the matter and that was enough to make him want to die inside a little bit, there was no need for him to kick his pride further into the hole.

Although, his boyfriend did not seem to agree with him on that.

Dream had been sat on the couch for approximately five miserable seconds before he heard their bedroom's door swing open, hurried footsteps heading straight toward him.

The next moment, Blue had sat down on his lap, his legs resting on the empty seats next to him while he was latched onto his left arm, head leaning on his shoulder.

"What are we watching?" He asked, not even bothering to greet him or ask how his day had gone anymore. Dream was not planning to watch anything that day but since the other was feeling up to it, he picked up the remote and turned on the TV.

"Whatever you want to watch." The moment his sentence came out, Blue was looking at him with the most serious face he had ever seen him wear.

"Hamilton." Dream laughed but complied either way.

"Hamilton it is." He nodded, before staring at Blue, hoping he would get the message.

The other stared back, a smirk drawing along his lips as his eyes shone with mischief. He blinked innocently at him as he tightened his grip on him. Dream sighed but did not comment further, it would be pointless anyway.


As he sat down on the couch, Dream felt like something was missing. He frowned, trying to think if any furniture was missing. He turned his gaze toward the room, scanning every object in the room. Everything seemed normal. So why did he feel so weird all of a sudden?

That is when he realized that he was feeling lighter, and not in a good way.

His cheeks flushed red as he groaned, putting his face in his hands as he cursed. The fact he had gotten so used to having the other latched onto him to the point where he felt weird not to feel the weight of an additional person on him was a really bad sign.

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