School Supplies (fmaa2)

37 4 21


It is almost time for me to go back to the terrestrial that we call school. I thought that I might as well write something about it before I disappear.

This is going to be about the Creepypasta Squad again, Bobby is 15 in this au much like Bunny in Fatal Flaws. The new school year is approaching, and he will now be entering high school.


Warnings: Strong language

Synopsis: "... By the way Bobby, did you remember to take your list of supplies?" Bobby rolled his eyes as he held up the sheet of paper for h̶i̶s̶ ̶b̶r̶o̶t̶h̶e̶r̶ Hacker to see.

"Of course, I did, who do you take me fo--"

"And did you remember to take a pen with you to cross out the things we already bought?"


"Joy." Hacker grumbled as Randy merely smiled in amusement.


They have not even stepped foot outside of the house that Bobby had already opened the rant floods about what he called 'juvenile prison.' His rants had gotten so frequent in fact that Randy was starting to wonder if he should make Bobby change schools.

Though, when he introduced the idea to Hacker, the latter only waved the remark back with the back of his hand. He said not to tire themselves out trying to find a school that might fit Bobby's taste.

"All schools are the same." He had said, half-amused and half-annoyed. "He'll never be happy in any of them." The way he said it concerned him, but he supposed he could not force him to say anything he wanted to.

Though, that still did not fix the current issue he was having.

"Middle school sucked balls!" The teenager fumed; aura murderous as he completely ignored Randy's small sigh at the profanity. "There is no way that high school is going to be any better! Hell, I bet that people are going to be even bigger bitches!"

Hacker was absolutely dying to give him reason as his years in high school were one of the worst ones he had ever gone through, second only to being kidnapped by a criminal gang, but for all their sake, he did his best to swallow that urge.

"Who knows?" He said instead of vigorous agreement. "Perhaps, by some miracle, age would make them more mature." Bobby scoffed at that.

"Yeah, and surely I'll grow wings when I turn 18." He crossed his arms around his chest as he walked in front of the two others, ignoring people's weirded out looks as he kept on rambling loudly about how infuriating his classmates have been thus far.

"Son, please. Do not speak so loudly, you are disturbing the other people." Randy lightly scolded. Bobby rolled his eyes at the remark but still seemed to listen as his voice quieted down.

"They wouldn't understand my suffering." Frankly speaking, having never gone to school Randy had no idea if Bobby was being totally genuine or being totally dramatic.

It was not like B̸̜̝͈̥̙̯̆͐̅̏̊́̎͝ͅr̷͓̠̳̈́͆̔̈́̚͜i̸̞͕̔̇̾͂̐̿̕͠͝ẗ̶̘̻͖̼̥̫̼́̎́͂̊͌̒͑̚n̸̟͎̑́̈́̍̄̄̽e̵̘̒̽̈́̅̐͋͘y̸͇̰͓̥̭̍̇̂͑̑̌̃̓̾͝ ever complained about it.

Randy shook his head as the thought passed through his head.

He could think of them another day, he had to focus on his two boys first.

Thankfully for both Randy and Hacker, the car soon came into view.

"Hey, Bobby's going to be able to get his driving license soon, right?" Hacker suddenly remarked, the door to the front seat opened. "Why don't we let him ride in that seat for now? From my experience, you learn quite a lot by just observing what is going on."

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