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(Blair's pov)
Me and tom still hasn't given up yet on planning on the wedding it's making us frustrated yes but I'm taking my mind off things since Julie is taking me out for shopping

(Julie's pov)
I'm taking Blair out shopping so she can rest her mind on things and so we can bond after the kidnapping and stuff we really haven't spent much time together, I noticed she's awfully quiet so I spoke

"Have you decided who to invite on the wedding blair?" I said with a smile as I rummage through the clothing racks

"Not yet I barely have family members" She said

"What about ur aunt?" I said as she looked at me

"You know we can't I don't like to see her in my wedding after what she has done why would you even suggest that?" She said I immediately regretted what I had suggested I know her aunt did awful stuff to her but I just thought maybe she could have changed after all this years

"I'm so sorry I know I shouldn't have brought that up but what if she has changed? After all people are capable of change right?" I said sounding sincere as I look at her reaction

"I guess but I don't know I'm scared to face her again I know she's a sweet person somewhere before my parents past away but... Can we just not talk about it? Please?" She said as I just nodded

(Blair's pov)
Julie's not wrong though maybe she's right I mean people are capable of change, I'm just not sure if I can trust my aunt fully yet after what she has done.

While I'm looking through clothes I feel like I was being watched? But maybe I'm just paranoid.

"Blairrrr! Let's go try this on I've got my clothes ready and I have some for you since you need to get out of your comfort zone" She said as I wasn't really a fashionable person and maybe stepping out of my comfort zone will be good and I might find the style for me who knows

She got a hold of my hand while her other hand holds bulks of clothing and we went in the changing room and she handed me clothes to try on so I went in and tried on the first outfit

This was the first outfit she handed me really out of my comfort zone it showed my skin a lot but it looked perfect with my hair and I felt shy yet sexy in this outfit (I got this from Pinterest and credits to the owner of the outfit!)

I slided the curtains of the dressing room, and I walked out and I waited for Julie to walk out and she judge the outfit on me since she's the one who picked it out I look at the mirror in front of me and I stared at myself wow I look really prett...

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I slided the curtains of the dressing room, and I walked out and I waited for Julie to walk out and she judge the outfit on me since she's the one who picked it out I look at the mirror in front of me and I stared at myself wow I look really pretty I checked myself out and blush because I haven't tried on this type of outfits on me, then I heard Julie's curtain slide open and she screamed happily when she saw my outfit

"You look so pretty I wonder what your husband will react when he sees you in this outfit" She said and I hit her arm playfully

"Oh shut it anyway you look amazing you should buy that outfit!" I said as I held her hand and twirled her around and we giggled

(What Julie wore, again got this from Pinterest credits to the owner of the pic!)

After a few more try on's we got back to our original clothes and went out of the dressing room and went to the counter and paid for the clothes we spent a lot gosh but it was a fun experience and really made me happy! But my excitement gets bothe...

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After a few more try on's we got back to our original clothes and went out of the dressing room and went to the counter and paid for the clothes we spent a lot gosh but it was a fun experience and really made me happy! But my excitement gets bothered when I can't get off the feeling of being watched

I turned my head side to side and watched my surroundings I didn't see anything suspicious so I shrugged it off and went out of the store with Julie with the shopping bags in our hands.

(Bills pov)
As you and your friend finished up everything in the store and finally paid for the clothes, you still had the sense that you were being watched. You looked around your surroundings to notice any suspicious behaviour but you couldn't really notice anything. You were starting to get frustrated because you couldn't figure out whom was watching you and it made you feel so uncomfortable. You just decided to try to ignore it for now.

As both of you are walking away, i started to admire your presence and your beauty. I missed you so much in my arms when i still had you in my grasp. Because that's when you really belonged to me and was mine and only mine. Back then i had you in my possession and you were all mine. But now as i see you walking away with your friend, i couldn't help but miss that time when you were mine and i was only yours. And i knew that i had to bring that time back again.

As I watched your silhouette disappear in the distance I mumbled to myself "Fuck i miss you Blair, i'll do anything in my power to get you back and once i get a hold of you i'm never letting you go again." The thought of Blair back in my arms again was all that i could think of. It was really hurting me that she was not by my side anymore, as I was about to follow her i heard my phone ring and was notified about a business meeting that i would have to attend, i sighed in frustration and went to it instead of following you, which really pissed me off.

//lmfao I hope this is not cringe and tell me if there's mistake in the spelling and grammar I'll immediately fix it, and I'm so sorry for not writing that much but I'll try to write more often, and if you have suggestions on the next chapter tell me!

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