day 3 training

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//I have a plan on day 5 of this chapter I think you'll love it HSHSHSH

                       (TOM'S POV)
I yawned and sat up in my bed, the sun shining through the curtains. I looked at the clock on the nightstand table and it said it was 7 AM. I was gonna train with my mother today, that was what I had decided yesterday with her.

"I need all the training possible," I thought to myself. I got up out of my bed and got myself dressed in some comfortable clothes, and I prepared myself for this training with my mother.

I went down stairs and opened my garage and walks over to a car covered with cloth nostalgia was hitting me this car was the one i used to drive before i decided to leave the mafia life

my mind started to kick in and I knew what this car was.

It was my old car, the one I used to drive in the mafia life. I hadn't seen this car in years, almost 7 years exactly.

My nostalgia kicked in. I smiled a little bit at the memories I had in this car. But now I had to train with this car again and I had to prepare myself with it for the action that was beginning again today.

As I opened the driver's door and sat in the driver's seat. It felt so weird to be in this seat again. All the smells and little things in the car took me right back to when I was in the mafia life.

There was a sense of joy but also fear at the same time inside me. It was like I was reliving my mafia life all over again and it was bringing back a lot of feelings in me.

As I started the engine I felt so much joy and excitement inside of me, I couldn't contain it. I was feeling so much nostalgia right now and it made me feel alive once again.

I just wanted to drive with this car and remember all the good times I've had in the mafia life. But I knew that this wasn't a good time for my nostalgia, I was about to train for something very dangerous, I couldn't let nostalgia get the best out of me now.

As I drove the car towards my mother's address I was getting a sense of deja vu. I felt like I had just driven the car in the mafia life again and I was going back home after a mission. I wanted to feel this car one more time, the feelings of the mafia life.

I was getting more and more motivated the closer I got to my mother's house.

My mother was waiting in front of the door she has been beautiful since the last time I saw her

"Wow, my mother looks beautiful, even after all these years," I thought to myself as I got out of the car and approached my mother.

She was standing outside the house and waiting for me and that made me happy to see.

"Hello mother, it's been such a long time, look how beautiful you are today,"

I smiled at my mother as I came closer to her. I couldn't believe that it was my mother standing in front of me right now. It felt so good to see her again after so many years. It was time for me to train now.

My mother pulled me into her embrace My mother didn't know this, but she gave me more comfort than any other human being ever had. Her hug gave me this feeling of being home and I couldn't help but smile so much when she hugged me.

"It's so nice to be back here with you mother..."

We both walked inside the house together and I could just feel her love and warmth throughout my whole body. She was the only human being that had ever given me this much love and comfort.

she may be in dangerous mafia shit but she's warm and lovingly then she gave me a gun the gun that i used to use i held it firmly all of this was giving me excitement and fear but all this was for Blair

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