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(Bills pov)

As the weeks passed, i decided to pay someone to spy on Tom and Blair as they were in the beach watching the stars. I started to get impatient and i just wanted to see you and be with you again. This was just driving me crazy, because all i could think about is you being with another man and not being with me. I just can't imagine my life without you. I need to see you, i need to be with you.

I was thinking about what i could do to get you back. I just couldn't get you out of my mind and i just felt something missing inside me as well. After Blair got discharged from the hospital, i saw that you were with Tom at the beach watching the stars and i had a plan to get you back.

not spending our b'day together is hurting me very much. Thinking about it right now it's driving me crazy because that just shows how far Blair is moving on the wrong path and the fact that she's celebrating Tom's b'day with him just hurts me even more. I can't keep seeing you in this relationship with Tom anymore, i need to do something.

I was watching my phone through the spy i started to clench my fist. The vid showed you and Tom having very sweet wholesome moments, and seeing you two enjoy spending time with each other hurt me a lot. I felt empty inside and i wanted to do anything to have you by my side again. As i watched the two of you sharing sweet and wholesome moments with each other, it made me want to cry because i could see just how much i needed you by my side more than ever. I needed you back badly.

As i knew that deep inside i can't make a move right now, all i could do is spy and stalk them until i execute my plan on you both. Seeing you two together in that video hurt so much, and it really didn't help the fact that i felt even more empty inside. I saw just how much you meant to me and not having you by my side was devastating to say the least. I just wanted you back.

My mind was filled with regrets, since the party was a total set up and was just a trap to get Blair back. There was so many times when i could've shot Tom, but i didn't do it and i regretted it. If i could just go back in time and shoot him, i would've done it in a heart beat. Because i hated to see Blair with another man even if it's just my twin brother. I wanted Blair back at all costs. So i had to make a plan to get her back in my arms.

(Blair's pov)
"I love you tom" I said as I stare at him in the eyes in awe "i can't believe I have a man like you willing to do anything for me" I said with a soft smile

(Tom's pov)
When Blair looked at me right after we broke the kiss it felt like the whole universe was on my side.

"Blair, I can't believe I have a woman like you who's so incredible."

Our eyes were locked on with each other, all I wanted to see right now was her gorgeous face with her smile and eyes looking at me just like this, it was as if our souls were one at the same moment.

"Blair, you never have to worry ever again, I'll always be here for you."

"Let's just enjoy each other's presence alright?" She said

"Of course Blair, it's all we need right now, just you and I having our time together."

I then moved my head towards Blair's shoulder, I needed her in close to my body right now. Every second of me being able to see her, smell her, hear her and even feel her felt like I was in heaven right now.

"Hey tom while I was gone what happened to you? Like how did you plan everything out?" She still didn't know that I got back to my old mafia life just to save her I got nervous I didn't know what to do or say but she needed to know

I looked at you, the moon was still lighting your beautiful face and that's when I decided to tell you everything.

"Blair, I have to admit that I did some bad things to prepare this for us."

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