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As me and tom were drinking some beer I suddenly felt the urge to go and use the rest room I politely excused myself from tom and I start to wonder around the place since I'm in a street racing event there's a lot of people watching the race and the place was bombarded with people "fuck where is the rest room" Then bill came up to me out of nowhere he saw me walking outside the building, "Hey! Blair where are you going?"  He ask in an annoyed manner.
I looked at him startled since it's a crowded place and u suddenly showed up "don't fucking scare me like that also I'm just looking for the rest room. " "What are you scared?" He said as he ook at me in an annoyed manner "Well, I'm coming with you." He said as he grab my arm and starts to pull me towards the restrooms. Am I really getting dragged by bill like doesn't he hate me or some shit i just rolled my eyes at him as he continued to drag me he continue to drag me to the restroom he spoke "Hurry up the race is soon we're losing time!" I looked at him annoyed is he really blaming me over this when he's the one who wanted to come "Fucking hell ur one of the racers and ur here helping me find the restroom" I said as he rolled his eyes at me "Yeah right I'm not here to watch you use the restroom. Come on hurry up and use it quick." He start pushing me now towards the restroom and pushes me in I rolled my eyes and closes the door and I pulled my pants down and starts do to my business "THERE'S NO PAPER TOWEL-" I said as I felt panic then I heard a bang on the door, he bang the door "Blair hurry up! What are you taking so long?" He say in an agitated manner
"calm ur dick down it's not my fault u wanted to come with me" I said as I was finished with my business and he spoke "Shut up! Just hurry up before we get late to the rest of the racers!" He said as he bang the door again "And Blair don't use such nasty words that's un-ladylike of you."
"Whatever" I pulled my pants up and I finally opened the door and I washed my hands

"Finally, there's you took forever." He said as he walk towards me "Lets go back to the arena there waiting for us don't you want to win?" He ask in an agitated manner "Why ask me aren't you the one who's gonna race" I said as he spoke "Oh trust me I will race but don't you want to watch me win? Or you just wanna go home and watch some stupid tv?" He laugh as he grab my hand and drag me towards the road he smile as we go back to the road "Good! Now make sure your watching because I might get distracted if you're not watching me." He continue to let my hand touch his as I drag me to the railings where I saw Julie sitting waiting for me

As we get to the railings he quickly let go of my hand "Quickly Blair get a good seat I don't wanna lose a single minute of watching me race." He say in a harsh manner "as if I'll watch you" I said in mocking tone then he clenched his jaw he was about to say something again then I went over to my friend Julie who's sitting and I sat beside her than I looked at him with a thumbs up

"Good job Blair now you're finally doing something good. You will be fine without me so please be a bit responsible in things." He say in a mocking manner "I'm glad you're excited for me anyways." He wave at me in a mocking manner and went to go prepare to race. I looked at Julie with a questionable look like "what the hell just happened" And she laughed and I laughed also as I looked over the railings I saw bill get ready In his car and so is the other racers

(Bill pov)
**Later at the starting line** iI'm one of the racers about to start the race. Just sitting on my car getting ready to go when I hear the announcer.

I stared at Blair she looked so beautiful everything about her just makes me desire her more this girl got me she captured my heart and she doesn't want me but I'll get her sooner or later

*After awhile the announcer says* "All competitors get ready to begin the race, in 5...4...3...2...1... Go! Before I knew it I was starting the race, after a while of racing I'm currently in 1st place.

Everyone was surprised of my performance, as I was coming to the end of the race I was about to win in 1st place when..

I got passed by tom I look at tom and he gives me a smug look, As the race begins to end everyone cheers for tom and no one cheers for me. I got a little jealous and angry of Tom's victory, as if he was just rubbing it in my face.

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