day 4 temptation

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//HELP I'M SORRY IF SOME PARTS ARE CRINGE SHSHSH I hope some parts aren't confusing 😔

Yesterday was shit my knuckles hurts after that incident I just slept all day good thing bill bandaged it up so it won't get infected I see in his eyes the regret and worry I like his caring side but I push him away for a lot of reasons I didn't know how much it effected him

I woke up I see no presence of bill I look down my wrists the bracelet that tom got me it's like a piece of him with me I miss my man so much if I weren't just careful enough and just followed my guts I would have been with him still

After being lost in my thoughts I hear a knock I stood up and opened it

It was bill I gave stared at him

(Bills pov)
As soon as i saw Blair opening the door. I could tell that she wasn't in a good mood. I knew that Blair still had a lot of feelings inside her. I knew that Blair still couldn't move on. So i decided to cheer Blair up in any way I could. So i told her what i planned for her "Blair, how about we go shopping?" i said to Blair as i grabbed her hand and looked straight into her eyes. I wanted to show Blair that i cared for her and that i always will.

"Huh what's the occasion?" She asked clearly confused

So i told Blair that i got invited to a party and that i wanted her to come with me to the party. "Blair, you know i have these mafia friends right? Well, I'm going to one of their party's and i wanted you to be my plus one." i said to Blair as i still held onto her hand. Blairs hand felt so small in my hands and it's almost as if Blairs hands were meant to be in my hands.

"Are you apart of a mafia yourself?" She asked with curiosity

"Yes, indeed Blair. I am close to inheriting my father's place. But he told me to have fun with the mafia before i inherit it. And this party is a big party. I want you there with me Blair. To remind me why i'm doing all of this. You're the only girl i need by my side. It was always meant to be you Blair." i said to Blair as i continued to hold onto her hand. It wasn't just about inheriting the mafia anymore. It was about me and Blair now.
"You got invited to this party?" She said

"Yes, Blair. I've been invited to this party. This party is going to be a wild, fun and exciting party Blair. I wanted you to be by my side too. This party is important because i'll meet all my fathers friends and soon to be partners. And i wanted you to be there by my side Blair." i said to Blair. My love for Blair was starting to overwhelm me. The more i stared at her the more i felt love towards her.

"Let's go find a dress There are a couple of shops where we could shop for a dress." i told Blair as i held her hand and we started to walk out of the room. I knew that Blair was still feeling sad inside. I just knew it. So i wanted to make this a fun day for her.

(Blair's pov)
I just let bill hold my hand I didn't want to make a fuss about it as we walk into the garage with plenty of cars I never saw this part of the house

(Bills pov)
As i held Blair's hand while we walked out of the room. Blair didn't seem like she was resisting being with me and me holding her hand anymore. Did i unlock something in Blair now? Was Blair finally ready to show me that she loves me? I hoped so. As we walked towards the garage, i had forgotten that i never showed Blair all the cars and this part of the house before. As i realized that i told Blair "I've never shown you this part of the house before. You're the first person to see this part of the house Blair." i said to Blair. And what I said is true I never let ivy step foot in the garage.

I walked into a car and opened the door for her and she got in

As we got inside a car. I started the car and i started driving us to one of the shops. On the inside, my heart was racing. I was really hoping that Blair would show her true feelings for me today. I couldn't wait till we were at the store. It was a long ride to the store but as soon as we were there, I grabbed her hand again and said to her "Alright Blair, let's find you a dress for this party."

While we walked inside the store. I saw all the dresses that were available. Maybe Blair would finally be able to find the perfect dress that i would love to see her in. And maybe Blairs true love for me will show up as we look for this dress. "Alright, Blair. What kind of dress are we looking for?" i said to Blair as we were about to start our dress hunt.

"Maybe something elegant" She said

As i heard Blair saying she wanted to try to find an elegant dress. I just smiled to her. "Alright Blair, i'll help you look for the perfect elegant dress." I said to Blair as we both started looking through the many dresses. Blair looked so cute when she was looking through the dresses. I was starting to feel my heart fill with love again for Blair.

"Stop staring at me" she said as she go through the dress racks

As Blair told me to stop starring at her. I just couldn't help it. She looked so beautiful. So i just kept looking at her. I didn't care anymore if she wanted me to stop starring at her. I'll do anything just to make sure Blair is happy. "Blair, just let me stare at you for just long enough. Maybe just another minute. Blair, you look so beautiful." i said to Blair as i kept looking at her in the eyes.

Blair roll her eyes at me, i noticed that Blair was starting to show that she liked the way i stared at her. At the moment, i just wanted to kiss Blair but i resisted myself from doing it. She wasn't quite done healing from me just yet. "See, you kinda liked me starring at you. Blair, you are impossible not to stare at." i said to Blair as i laughed to myself a little bit.

"Whatever" She said as she pulled out a dress that's white with high slip side I loved it I can't wait to see her in that dress "I'll try this.." She said as she went into the dressing room tying it on

Than a couple of minutes later she came out of the dressing room holy fuck she looked even better the way the dressed hugged her curved the way it looked perfect in her

"Blair, that dress looks gorgeous on you. I think you've found the right dress right there." i said to Blair as i looked at her in that dress.

As i was staring at Blair I was tempted to kiss Blair while she was in her dress. I just couldn't resist the urges.

As i continued to look at Blair in that dress, all i wanted to do was to kiss Blair's neck. Blair's body in that dress was truly something magical to look at. But i knew that Blair wasn't quite ready for that yet. "Blair, i just want to say that you look very beautiful in that dress. It's just perfect for this party." i said to Blair as i looked at her and smiled.

Then she went back inside the dressing room and went out with the dress in her hand while she was back in her old clothes I handed the dress to the girl and told her we will be getting it she nodded then we went to the cashier and paid and left the store

"Blair, do you feel ready for this party? I heard that there's gonna be a huge surprise for us." i said to Blair as i held her hand while we walked

"Really that lovely" She said
I kept looking back at her and kept wondering what the surprise will be. I couldn't wait for that surprise now. It seems like both Blair and me will be looking forward to that surprise. "Blair, whatever happens in this party. I want it to be fun. I wanna dance with you." i said to Blair while grabbing her hand and looking straight at her.

Then we walked into the car and drove back home

(Blair's pov)
We are now back at his house I was silent overthinking what surprised will be waiting for us could it be Tom's doing? Will he finally come to get me? All this is hurting my head

I'm glad bill trusted me enough to let me go out I would have ran away when I had the chance but my gut was telling me not to its not the time yet all of what's happening today is weird and I'm looking forward for tomorrow's party will tom be there as well?

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