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//HI READERS!! hope you missed me as much as I missed you I'm focusing more on Tom's pov and bills I'll do Blair soon I promise! I hope ur enjoying reading you can chat me and be friends with me if you want thank you again!!

(Bills pov)
Me and Vanessa decided we will execute the plan today I made her bump into tom making it seem like a coincidence

We were at the park waiting to make a move and we saw Blair and tom walk together I motion Vanessa to go and do what we have planned

As i saw Tom and Blair walk together i quickly told Vanessa to go up and bump into Tom. As Vanessa bumped into Tom, tom didn't look happy seeing his ex once again.

I saw Vanessa bump into my shoulder and I looked at her, my eyes widened and I couldn't believe it. It had been so long since last time. She had used me and played me, I did not want to ever see her face again. But here she was standing in front of me.

"Vanessa!? What in the hell are you doing here?"

I looked at her with disbelief as I was confused to see her right now. We couldn't just be walking around a random street and bump into one another, she had to planned this... but why?

"Sorry I didn't know we will meet each other again maybe it's destiny." She said with a smirk

Blair was just standing beside me staring at me and Vanessa she doesn't know who the woman was in front of me

I ignored Blair as I kept my eyes on Vanessa. She couldn't be here just by coincidence. Vanessa did not do anything by coincidence.

"Oh there's a good reason you had to be here right Vanessa?"

I stared at her in disgust as I felt so incredibly mad at the same time. As much as she had used me, I had loved her. I still did in some ways love her, but seeing her brought back those memories which were so painful.

Vanessa:"It's just a coincidence Tom why are you being defensive and who's that girl beside you" she said with a frown and gave Blair a dirty look

I still kept my eyes on Vanessa but felt like turning to look at Blair as she spoke. But I decided not to. Seeing Vanessa made me so mad and I felt my whole body shake in anger.

"Oh I doubt it's a coincidence Vanessa. You've never done anything by coincidence. You know that."

I looked at Blair for a split second.

"This is Blair. I'm her boyfriend. We're together now."

I then looked back at Vanessa.

Vanessa:"Ah girlfriend she looks like a whore to me" She said I know Blair is feeling so humiliated right now

"Don't you dare be disrespectful to Blair. She's the love of my life and don't you forget that."

I was mad at Vanessa for saying those things about Blair. Blair was now my woman, and she was nothing but beautiful.

"Blair, can you give me and Vanessa some space?"

I wanted to fight Vanessa but to protect Blair I wanted her to leave. I looked at Blair with a firm look.

Blair smiled with sadness in her eyes and I see her walk away from the distance.

As Blair walked away I turned to Vanessa.

"How dare you call Blair whore? Why are you even here Vanessa? You know that I don't wanna see you. You know that I hate you."

I looked at her with anger but kept my cool, well, for the most part.

"What do you want from me, Vanessa?"

Vanessa:"I want you Tom please come back to me" she said with a pleading look but I didn't give a fuck about her anymore

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