where the hell is she

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//HI READERS!! in this chapter we will be talking about the twins past and why their Arch nemesis in this story and stuff I hope it's interesting mwa! And this chapter is more focused on Tom's pov after Blair disappeared.

(Tom's pov)
As I walked back to Blair's apartment I started to feel a huge sense of panic. My mind started to come up with different terrible scenarios about Blair now. What had happened? What did Vanessa do? Where was Blair?

I felt the anxiety in the air as I approached Blair's apartment, suddenly I started to shake a bit, I was getting scared and desperate to see Blair again. What if Vanessa had done anything terrible to Blair?

I felt the worry about Vanessa but I had not put much thought on Bill. But now I was getting a strange feeling in my stomach, that maybe Bill knew something about this. I was so desperate to see Blair and to make sure she was safe. I knocked on Blair's door.

"Blair, Blair you home?"

My voice had more worry and panic in it than I wanted it to and I took a deep breath. I just hoped that she was in home and that nothing terrible had happened.

I took out my phone and then I started to call Blair's phone number. But it went to her voicemail as the phone kept ringing.

"Blair you're scaring me, please pick up your phone."

I felt desperate for her to answer the phone, but as the seconds went by I felt myself panicking even more.

"Please Blair, pick up. Can you hear me?"

There was no one to answer the phone. It was silent on the line. And only the ringing started to annoy me now.

Where could Blair have gone? There has to be a reason for her Disappearance

My mind started to go through all the possible places where Blair could've went. She might've been with friends or she might've went shopping somewhere. But my phone call had been ignored, and that only made me panic more.

I tried calling her friends to see if they knew where Blair was, but no-one knew where Blair was or had any explanation for her disappearance. She felt like Blair just disappeared into thin air.

I started to run around Blair's apartment building searching for her. I looked in every direction, I felt like Blair was somewhere... she had to be.

i called Julie since she's the only close friends to Blair and the only friend she has in area neither did she had idea Blair was gone

When I spoke to Julie and she had no idea where Blair was... that made me even more worried and afraid. If Blair's close friend, and best friend, had no idea where Blair was... then what was going on?

Blair had to be somewhere, she had to be. But as I looked everywhere I couldn't find her, there was just no sign of Blair anywhere. My fear turned into panic as the realization set in.

I felt like Blair could've potentially got kidnapped. But by who? Who would ever want to kidnap Blair? She was a sweet girl with a beautiful face but who would ever want to kidnap a girl like Blair?

I felt myself shaking with fear and panic, I did not know what to do. But I had to find out where Blair was. I had to do something, or else I would forever regret not having acted.

I knew Vanessa had something to do with Blair's disappearance.

The idea of Vanessa and Bill teaming up together made me so angry and I did not know how to control myself. I had to hold back the anger inside me as much as I could.

But I knew that there was a big possibility that they had worked together on this disappearance of Blair.

I decided to call Vanessa and as I hoped she would answer the phone, I knew to not show any weakness for now.

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