is this an act?

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I was shocked when Tom pulled me in for a kiss I didn't know if he was acting or not I had never been kiss before means he's my first after we pulled away from the kiss we made eye contact gosh I was so lost in the moment like time stopped I backed away from tom and I glanced over at Julie and gustav who's holding up his cellphone did he just took a picture?! My face instantly went red as I ran over to gustav "why the fuck did you take a photo" I said annoyed as Julie pushes me away from gustav and they're both laughing "it's alright Blair just for remembrance duh" She said smiling at me "fine show me then" I said as she nodded and gustav came close to me and shows me the pics "ew I look ugly there WHY DID YOU TAKE THE BAD ANGLE" I said as I felt someone behind me and spoke "I think you look great in any angle also gustav send me that picture I'll hang it up on a wall" It was Tom that spoke I blushed at his comment but also snapped out of it since I know he's acting I was kinda little disappointed with myself for hoping we weren't acting but eh I just shrugged it off as I glanced over to bill and ivy bill wasn't even looking at ivy he was looking at me I was loving the thrill that Tom's plan was working since day one I wanted to get back to bill who humiliated me in front of a crowd maybe for you it's not big of a deal but man for me it was since it's my first day here and suddenly you got into an argument with someone you didn't know in the first place

As I was looking at bill ivy was doing a decent job on taking care of bills wounds I
His stare at me I couldn't tell if he's judging the shit out of me or he's just mad asf i honestly don't know I couldn't read his facial expression we'll so I shrugged it off

(Bills pov)
As i get my wounds fixed I notice you noticing me. I couldn't think of anything to say so I kept quiet as I didn't want to start any arguments and fights. I was still pissed off and jealous at you and Tom

As ivy was taking care of my wounds I had a blank face and I thought that me staring at you would make you feel uncomfortable, but my stare started to become a bit obsessive. A part of me was mad and jealous, but a part of me just appreciated you.

Blair looked away and started to stare at Tom as he was talking to Gustav while Julie took Blair's attention off Tom and started talking to Blair I started to calm down and I stopped staring at you and I started to focus more on my wounds. When I felt like my wounds were all sealed up and healed I was about to say something to you but I didn't know what to say, I was just looking at you. And thought to myself with a smirk on my face "gosh this girl is perfect, and yet hard to get" I said as I didn't even notice I was smiling at myself while ivy just stared at me she looks like she doesn't know if I was smiling at her or someone else so I just thanked her for taking care of me and patted her shoulder "thank you baby" I felt disgusted when I said those words but I also wanted to thanks ivy for taking care of me I wanted Blair instead of her but eh maybe I'll set ivy go sooner or later just waiting for the right moment.

(Blair's pov)
I looked down at my watch "it's late already we should go home now Julie" I said pleading while my hands were closed together like I was begging for Julie she laughed at my actions "Blair I'll be staying the night at gustavs if that's fine with you" Julie said as I gave her the look of like "are you fucking kidding me" Type of way as I just frown "Man I'll be alone again but that's fine make sure that you'll get home after ok and you gustav take good care of my Julie" I said smirking and nudging Julie with my elbow as her cheeks flushed red

Then Tom spoke beside me "Maybe I can take you home" I looked at him "no I can take care of myself" I said smiling at him then he spoke again "What I meant was you going home with me" I can see the smirk off his face I wanna rip it off. man this deal is going out of my comfort zone

Then Tom looked at me like he's saying "he's watching" I immediately nodded "fine whatever"

Then Tom looked so happy like he won the lottery well I'm now officially agreed to come home with him and spend the night but now he has to drive me to his place. "let me drive you home Blair" Tom said

Me and Julie said our goodbyes as we both went our seperate way I took my last glanced at bill who's already in his car with ivy he seems like he's watching my every move then I see him pulling ivy into a kiss I immediately looked away as I entered the passenger seat with Tom and I spoke "hey Tom can I pull down my window?" I said and he nodded before he starts the engine and droves off and after a couple minutes of driving I glanced at tom

Then I see Tom's eyes glued onto me I didn't know how to feel but it for sure makes me scared the idea of him not paying attention to the road makes me nauseous then I spoke "uh Tom you should really focus on the road not me" I said with an awkward laugh and he spoke

"Maybe I shouldn't. Maybe I should pay my attention to you..."

He caressed my thighs and I winked at me. What the fuck is this man doing to me

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