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I hear the gun bang from bills gun and Tom's scream everything felt dizzy everyone in the party was panicking Tom's body guard and bills bodyguard started to shoot I looked down at my stomach and saw blood staining my white dress I didn't know what to do my gaze stopped at bill I see the regret at his eyes I felt betrayed bill shot me

"Am I gonna die?" I thought as my body collapsed

(Tom's pov)
I was in complete shock seeing Blair in the floor with blood staining her white dress.

"No, I couldn't believe this, Blair has been shot. Is this really true or is it all a lie," I said to myself.

I started to panic while looking at Blair, I felt pain at my heart. I wanted to scream, but I just froze up seeing Blair being shot.

"B-Bill, why did you shoot Blair?! Why would you do this!?" I yelled at Bill with a serious face.


Bill yelled as tears ran down his cheeks.He saw Blair fall down on the ground..The blood stains was showing on blair white dress.

"What have i done..."

He spoke to himself as he ran towards Blair which made me point my gun at him Blair was still alive she coughed up blood

I was so upset seeing Blair coughing up blood, I just couldn't believe that this was reality. I just wanted this to be a dream, but it wasn't one. I couldn't let Blair die, she had to survive. I had to do something, so I didn't hesitate for a second to run towards Blair. I pushed Bill to the side and I started to try to use my hand to stop the blood from coming out of her wound.

Tears ran down my cheeks seeing Blair in this condition.

"I don't wanna die Tom" Blair said weakly

"Shh, shh, don't worry Blair you won't die, we are gonna get you through this alright," I said as I continued to try to stop or at least slow the blood that was coming out of her wound. I tried my very best not to let her pass away.

"Please be strong Blair, I have my Blair in my hands right now and I won't let her die now, never ever," I said as I tried to keep her as calm as possible. I couldn't lose her like this.

Everything at the place was noisy everyone was panicking gun shots everywhere people laying on the floor some bloody bill fell on his knees staring at Blair's body full of regret "i-i-i didn't mean it" bill said his hands shaking

"I don't care if that was an accident or not Bill, you shot her and you shot my Blair now she's here and probably gonna die any second from now," I said as I continued to hold my hand to Blair's wound, desperately trying to stop the blood flow.

"You should have thought about that before shooting her, because now you have to live knowing that you killed the girl who's heart belongs to me and not you," I yelled at him.

"THE BULLET WAS MEANT FOR YOU" Bill said with full of rage and anger and guilt

As soon as I heard the words from Bill, I immediately looked at him with all the rage built up inside me. I had never felt any angrier than now knowing that he wanted to kill me in the first place.

"You are a pathetic man Bill, you can't even do right to not shoot Blair in the first place," I said to him with the same anger he had.

"You don't even respect Blair and all she was to you was just a pet, you didn't even love her at all," I added angrily.

I was so hurt that I and him loved the same girl. It just felt like an impossible situation to be in.

I was now holding Blair close as she was heavily bleeding. I could see the life leaving her eyes and the blood flowing out of her wound. I tried my very best to stop it, but there was nothing else I could do.

Tears ran down my cheeks seeing my Blair like this. I couldn't say a single word right now, I was speechless of what to do next.

I still held Blair close to me as her heart rate was slowly going down. I wanted to say something to him, but I knew he wouldn't understand. It didn't matter what he did to Blair, Blair was mine. She loved me and not him, she was now dying in my arms.

I could feel all the anger and hatred inside of me, I couldn't hold it back anymore. I just wanted to take it out on Bill right now, but I also had to stay strong for Blair because she still had a chance to be alive.

I let my mother's men take Blair to the hospital

The idea of beating Bill for what he did to Blair felt right to be honest. I wanted to release all the anger inside me.

At the moment, I didn't care about the consequences of beating him because it felt so right to beat a man who had just shot the woman I loved and wanted to spend the rest of my life with. So I punched Bill so hard that he fell to the floor. It felt so good to do this, but at the same time I felt regret because I knew that Blair only had a chance of surviving by getting to the hospital now.

(Bills pov)
I felt regretful of what i did and i wished i could've changed it in a heartbeat, but i couldn't. I see Tom angry at me for what i did to you, and he started to punch me on the face as i felt anger filling myself and i punched him back in return. I felt like it was a battle between me and him and it kept on going for a while. Even the bodyguards couldn't do anything about us fighting.

(Tom's pov)
It felt so good to punch and hurt Bill while he was trying to hurt me as well. We were just two men in a fight for what was right and wrong. It was like Bill and I were back in our childhood, but the things we were fighting for at the moment was completely different.

I just couldn't let Blair die from the bullet wounds, she had to survive. But at this rate, it felt like the chances of her surviving was getting less and less with every second that passed.

"If only you didn't do that stupid deal with her she would have been mine!" bill screamed while the room was still filled with people panicking and gun shots but for you two it was like silent

"Blair would never be yours, you don't deserve to have a woman that is as good as her," I replied coldly to him.

"Blair has always been mine, she belongs to me and only me. Not you Bill, you're just an obsessed man that will never have her," I added with all the rage built up inside me.

The thought of Blair already in the hands of my mother and she is getting rushed in the hospital my mind is at peace

I could finally just focus on Bill and not worry about Blair anymore, she was at the hospital which was good. Now it was only me and Bill in this room together. We both stopped fighting to catch our breaths, we were both exhausted and tired.

"Why did you have to shoot her Bill, did you really just shoot Blair because she never felt the same way for you?" I asked him.

"The bullet was meant for you!" Bill said

"That bullet was not for me and you damn well know it. It was for Blair, you wanted Blair for yourself. Well guess what Bill, you can't have her and never will, Blair always loved me and only me. "I said with all the anger in my voice.

"You should have thought more before you just decided to shoot her. Now look she's in the hospital probably in a critical state. Is this what you wanted Bill, is this what you wanted!?" I added with all the rage and hatred inside me.

bill rushed and gave me a hard punch "SHUT UP SHUT UP SHUT UP!" He yelled

Just when I was gonna say something I got punched hard by Bill. It felt like he hit me with all the anger that built up inside him.

"You hit me, because you know that I am right. Blair was never yours and she never will be," I yelled at him as I punched him right back in return.

With me and Bill hitting each other and shouting at each other I had totally lost control over myself, I didn't know how to deal with this situation any longer.

"You will never have Blair, never and you know it Bill," I yelled out loud at him. As this went on, I was still holding the thought of Blair being at the hospital in the back of my mind, hoping that she could stay alive and not die.

//I'm not ghosting y'all but I might update at weekends I have school tomorrow and it's currently 11:31pm HAHSHSH i also might end this soon at 40 or 48

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