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(Blair's pov)
I looked at the clock and realize it was his birthday I was disappointed in myself that I couldn't give him a surprise of I wasn't just in the hospital "happy birthday love I'm sorry I can't do anything about it if I weren't in the hospital right now I would have planned a surprise for you"

He looked at me with full of love and admiration I was in awe

"Please don't say sorry Blair, just seeing you right now with your smile is the best present I could ask for right now. There's no need for you to apologize." He said

"But Blair, is there something that you need me to do for you right now? What could I do? I don't want you to be stuck in this hospital room for the rest of the day." He added

(Toms pov)
I thought for a moment it's getting late when I checked my watch and the clock and I wanted to spend the last 4 hours of my bday with Blair before 12am hits i called for a wheelchair so i can bring Blair out in the rooftop to watch the stars

I spoke "Blair, you know what, that's a great idea."

I called for the wheelchair and waited for it to arrive in the room.

"Hey Blair, get ready because I'm going to take you outside to watch the stars."

I had such a great idea right now, this sounded like a perfect plan, and Blair would probably love it as well.

"It'll be fun right?" I said to Blair.

She nodded excitedly

"Yes, I know it's going to be amazing Blair. I always enjoy the nights when I am outside watching the stars by myself, but now it's going to be better, I'll have my girl with me by my side."

I kept smiling as I thought about enjoying the night and the stars and how it was going to be even more special with Blair by my side.

"Are you ready to go Blair? I am all excited about this," I said to you as I got up and picked up the wheelchair.

"You okay for me to put you on the wheelchair Blair?"

After I said that I put you on the wheelchair and pushed it to the hallway, we were going to watch the stars on the rooftop of the hospital. I couldn't wait to see your reaction when I take you outside.

"This is going to be really nice." I said to you as I kept pushing you outside.

It didn't take long, just a few minutes to get to the hospital rooftop with Blair, and when we finally got to our destination, I could already see the sky was full with beautiful stars on this lovely night.

I stopped the wheelchair and turned towards Blair.

"Oh Blair I'm so glad that I get to witness this moment with you, this is just beautiful." I said as I looked at you and then towards the sky.

"I'm sorry I couldn't give you anything for ur birthday love" She said as she look so disappointed in herself

"Oh no Blair, you don't need to give me anything for my birthday, being with you is the most incredible present for me." I reassured Blair.

"Now I want you to look up at the sky and admire these amazing stars. This right now is enough for me." I said as I pointed upwards towards the beautiful sky filled with stars.

"The moon is really shining it's really beautiful" she say as she was staring up she looked so beautiful under the moonlight

I just smiled at Blair as she was admiring every little detail about the sky and the moon, this moment was just perfect between us.

"It seems so peaceful to just look at the moon, the stars it's just amazing, don't you think?" I said to her.

"Blair, do me a favor and keep your beautiful face looking up, alright? I just want to take in every single second with you this night."

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