day 1

304 10 11

(Tom's pov)
It felt like these 24 hours were gonna destroy me. I was so desperate to find Blair, but I didn't have anything to go after at all. I kept looking around for any kind of clue, any kind of info that can help me find Blair right now. But I kept finding nothing.

I couldn't sit still, I was feeling incredibly restless and worried. As the hours passed by, I called the private investigator again to ask if he has found anything.

I had waited all day for the private investigator to find Blair's whereabouts. I couldn't take the waiting anymore, it was torture.

I picked up the phone and called the investigator again, with hope in my heart that he had found Blair already.

the private investigator answered immediately and did find some whereabouts and located Blair. Blair is in fact with bill.

I felt a sense of relief to hear that the private investigator had found Blair's whereabout. I took a deep breath as I imagined Blair in someone else's arms instead of mine.

But I was glad that she was found, and now I had to make the next big decision, rescue Blair or let my mother handle it in her own way. I decided to trust my mother for now and let her take care of the situation.

"Private investigator please let my mother know about Blair's location, she will come and take care of this the right way."

the private investigator agreed and did it right away now all I have to do is get prepared for the mafia life I'm are going to comeback on.

I was nervous, to say the least. Going back to the mafia life would be a nightmare to me but it seemed like I had no choice but to go back to that hellhole life.

I was wondering if Blair had got any serious injuries while she was with Bill, I knew he was insane but he wouldn't dare to kill Blair right... but then again, who knows with Bill.

Blair was my whole life, every moment with her counted. I just wanted her to get out alive and that was the only thing that mattered in this moment.

I needed to prepare myself physically and mentally before the return to mafia life, because I knew that it was not something I wanted. But for the love of Blair I had to do it.

I was gonna get Blair back, no matter what. I was never gonna leave her side again once I had found her. She had to come home to me. Nothing else in my life mattered right now, not even my return to mafia life. Blair was always to be number one in my life.

I decided to lay down and wait a few hours until my mother called me. I started to feel so tired, I hadn't eaten or drank anything in the last 24 hours since I first discovered about Blair.

I thought getting Blair back will all be worth it all my hard work will pay off
Then my phone vibrated
I looked at my phone as the caller was my mother.

"Hello... mom."

I said with a soft and tired voice, I couldn't believe this day has come, but right now I had to listen to every word my mother was going to say.

"Hello my son I received the message Tomorrow son my men will be available I canceled all my plans just for you don't disappoint me alright? And I have a plan on getting back your Blair I decided I will set up a party for other well known dangerous people so it won't be suspicious for your brother bill I'm sure he'll bring Blair with her am I right? And the party is just an excuse for your brother bill and Blair to show up" My mother said

I was not surprised that my mother already had a plan to solve my case. Her mafia life had always been full of plans and strategies to get what she wanted to be done. And she was very good at it.

"Fine, I won't disappoint you mother. I will do everything in my power to get back my Blair. And yes, that might be a good idea to set up a party for your dangerous friends."

I agreed with my mother's strategy, I felt like if anyone was going to get Blair back home to me it had to be her.

"Just get ready for tomorrow and be handsome for your Blair and your promise to me that you'll inherit my place alright" mother said

I felt a sense of relief that my mother had come up with a plan of action to get Blair back to me. I couldn't think straight right now about anything else than just getting Blair back in my arms again.

"Yes mother, I promise you with my life that I will return as the next boss of the mafia life. And I'm gonna be handsome for Blair, you don't have to worry about that."

I smiled as I said it, but in reality I knew that I was going to have to become someone I did not want to become.

I grabbed all of my stuff As I stepped out of Blair's apartment, it was hard to believe that Blair was not coming back to me later today. But now I was going to face my destiny, the return to mafia life, for Blair's sake.

I went to my car and drove home, hoping to recover some energy I had lost in the last 24 hours of being alone and scared for Blair's life. I needed to get as much rest and energy as I could to prepare myself for tomorrow to save Blair from my brother, Bill.

As i finally reached my house I parked my car and locks it and I hurriedly took my keys out and walks my way to the basement my gazed went straight to the old fancy cabinet I walked up to it feeling the texture.
As I opened the cabinet and saw my old mafia equipment I couldn't contain my smile. It was like an old part of me was coming back again, something I hated but also something I knew I needed right now.

This was my destiny, even if I hated it. I had to save Blair, and if this meant I had to return as a mafia man then so be it.

A part of me wished to never leave that damn cabinet and to never go and save Blair from my brother. But I could not do it. Blair was all I cared about right now.

As I checked each of my old mafia guns one by one, I felt a sense of familiarity with my guns. It almost felt like those guns were telling me that I'm coming back home

As I finished checking them all, I put them away in a secured safe place. I wanted to keep them safe. I was waiting for the next day to come, because tomorrow was the day I was gonna have to face my brother, Bill, to get Blair back in my arms again.

you mumbled to yourself "I'm coming for you Blair just one more day I'll be with you"

As I was saying this out loud to myself, I got this sense of sadness in my heart. The thought of having to wait another day before being with Blair was eating up on me.

I was so close to Blair now, I could almost feel her touch, but she was still out of my reach. I had to do everything in my power now to get her back home to me, and nothing else mattered.

"Wait for me my love"

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