She ain't good enough for you.

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Oakley felt Kayce's arms wrap around her from behind the next morning. She had been up for a while, making a cup of coffee before she needed to start getting the kids up.

"Morning," Kayce's raspy voice was low against her ear. "You're up early."

"Couldn't sleep," Oakley smiled. "In a good way though."

"Why's that?" Kayce asked. "A lot on your mind?"

"No...the opposite actually," Oakley smiled. "Have a pretty clear head right now."

Kayce pressed a kiss to her temple.

"Good," He kissed her skin again before moving his lips to her neck.

"I did wake up thinking about Jamie though..." Oakley felt Kayce's lips stop.

"About May?" Kayce pulled back and let Oakley turn to face him.

"Yeah," Oakley shrugged. "Maybe she's..."

"She ain't, baby," Kayce shook his head.

"We don't know that," Oakley reminded him.

"We do," Kayce smirked at her. "She tried to put me behind bars, ruin this place, remember that?"

"Oh, I remember," Oakley nodded. "I was the one who told you to go after her."

Kayce held Oakley by her hips.

"Maybe the last few years have done her well?" Oakley asked.

"You think prison does people well?" Kayce asked her.

"I think it can," Oakley shrugged. "She does have a son...I'm sure she'd like to see him outside those walls one day so maybe she's seen her ways?"

"I'm not allowing it, Oakley," Kayce frowned. "And I ain't sorry about it either."

Oakley sighed but nodded her head slowly.

"I just feel like we'll lose Jamie and James if we don't," She told him.

"Then we'll lose them," Kayce said.

"Kayce," Oakley frowned. "You can't be okay with that."

"Didn't say I was okay," Kayce told her.

"But if that's what this leads to?" Oakley tilted her head while waiting for Kayce.

"I told you, it's final," Kayce stepped around Oakley and poured himself a cup of coffee.

Oakley took a breath and reminded herself what had all gone down on this ranch due to people trusting outsiders and then having those outsiders try and take something from this place. She thought about Tate and Kayce having to go through a kidnapping years ago. She thought about everything Kayce had done for his father over the years...all in the name of protecting what was theirs. She watched Kayce bring his mug to his lips and glance over at her.

"Okay," Oakley nodded. "She's not allowed."

"I know you-"

"Kayce, it's okay," Oakley said. "I'm with you on this."

Kayce eyed her as he took a sip.

"I need to get the kids up," Oakley walked over and placed her mug in the sink.

She pressed a kiss to Kayce's shoulder as she walked around him and then back upstairs to wake up her babies.


After drop-off, Oakley headed to meet her mother for coffee. She was trying to make an effort with her mom and see her more often. Ever since Oakley's father passed away, she had tried to see her mom at least every other week. Walking into the shop, Oakley spotted her mom in the corner with their drinks already.

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