Give it some time.

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Oakley jogged into the emergency room of the hospital. She walked up to the receptionist who looked at her expectantly.

"Beth Dutton?" Oakley breathed hard. "I'm her sister-in-law."

"Room 202," the woman said. "Down the hall, second door after the corner turn."

"Thanks," Oakley moved quickly again, following instructions.

When she turned the corner though, she saw she was the last one there. Kayce and Tate were seated on the bench outside the room. Ryan was also standing off to the side. John was standing in the doorway and Oakley could only guess Rip was inside.

Oakley stepped into the doorway, next to John, and saw Beth lying in the bed. Wires were coming out of her, and monitors around here were beeping. She looked as white as the sheets, two large bandages around both of her wrists. Rip was leaning on the bed with his elbows and had Oakley known he was religious, she'd have guessed he was praying. Maybe he was?

"Will she make it?" Oakley asked softly, holding her breath.

"She'll make it," John's voice was hoarse.

"What..." Oakley shook her head. "Same as the others?"

"Same as the others," John said.

"Excuse me?" A nurse popped up with some more supplies so Oakley moved out of the way.

The nurse walked in and started to change out one of Beth's IVs. Oakley turned around and saw Tate watching her like a hawk. His eyes were sad and Oakley knew he probably had no idea the amount of intensity that had taken place. Oakley walked over to Tate, bypassing Kayce on the bench. Tate stood up and Oakley wrapped her arms around him.

"Are you okay?" Oakley asked, feeling Tate nod his head into her shoulder.

Oakley tightened her hold around Tate, feeling him squeeze her harder and bury his face into her neck.

"It's gonna be okay," She whispered to him.

Oakley could sense Kayce standing up next to them.

"Where were you?" Tate mumbled.

"At grandma's with the twins," Oakley sighed, hating the fact she hadn't been there for Tate during all of this.

Oakley knew Tate wouldn't have gone with her and the twins earlier, especially if he knew all the details. Oakley knew Tate loved her, but his ties to Kayce would always be first and Oakley was okay with that because she knew that Kayce would do anything to protect Tate. But she needed to get the twins out of there and she also needed a break from Kayce. A door closing made her look over her shoulder.

Rip had come out of Beth's room, and he and John walked over to where they were all standing close. Oakley kept her arms around Tate. John was looking at Oakley.

"What?" Oakley asked him, her anger from earlier igniting.

"She didn't do that to herself," John said.

"Can we not?" Oakley asked, nodding to Tate.

John cleared his throat and looked over to Ryan.

"Tate?" John asked.

Tate pulled his face away from Oakley's shoulder.

"How about you and Ryan-"

"Leave so you adults can talk?" Tate finished.

John nodded his head. Oakley pulled Tate's head closer and kissed the side of his face.

"I'll come find you here in a bit," Oakley told him before Tate walked off with Ryan.

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