I deserve a little time.

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Oakley slowly came to be the next morning. The sun was only barely up enough to shine in through the tops of the windows. Kayce was molded next to Oakley, his arm thrown around her. They weren't on a strict timeline to get back up to camp, but Oakley was ready to hug her babies.


Oakley looked over at Kayce, his eyes still closed.

"How do you do that?" Oakley curled into Kayce.

"Do what?" Kayce asked.

"Know when I'm awake?" Oakley giggled. "You always do and yet I always think you're asleep."

Oakley wiggled her arms around Kayce and pressed her nose into the crook of his neck.

"Guess it's being married for six years?" Oakley sighed, kissing his collarbone.

"No," Kayce took a deep breath. "I just know you."

"Did you sleep some?" Oakley asked.

"Not much," Kayce took a deep breath.

Oakley leaned her head up and looked at Kayce. He blinked his eyes open slowly, his golden orbs focusing on Oakley's face. Oakley took one of her fingers and ran it down the side of Kayce's face. He didn't look as sad or in pain as he had been when he got home last night. But there was still something inside him that Oakley couldn't read.

"What do we do now?" Oakley asked him.

"We go back to camp," Kayce told her. "But I need you to promise me something."

"What?" Oakley rested her hand on Kayce's chest.

"I need you to just be with the kids," Kayce said. "Let me tell my father...let us handle anything with Jamie. I don't want you a part of it. I want..."

Oakley frowned but kept quiet.

"I'm not saying anything will happen," Kayce cleared his throat. "But I don't want something to happen to both of us if it does...so could you please, just be with the kids for a while, until this is all worked through?"

Oakley looked at Kayce and sighed.

"I don't want you to be alone in this," Oakley said softly.

"I'm not," Kayce hugged her closer to him. "Promise me, Oakley."

Oakley was quiet for a few seconds. She looked down at her hand on Kayce's chest, focusing on her wedding rings.


"I promise," Oakley looked back at Kayce and then leaned in to press a sweet kiss to his lips.

When she pulled back, Kayce tucked some of her hair behind her ear. His fingers traced under her jaw before leaving her face.

"I love you," Kayce told her. "So much."

"I love you too," Oakley kissed him one more time before she sat up and stretched.

She looked around their bedroom and sighed. Her mind did have one more question for Kayce so she looked over her shoulder at him still laying there.

"What will Jamie do?" Oakley asked him.

"They're coming to camp," Kayce sat up, kissing her shoulder.

"Him and James?" Oakley asked.

Kayce rested his chin on her shoulder and looked at her.

"Are you okay with that?" He asked.

Oakley shrugged.

"Doesn't sound like there's a choice there," She said.

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