We've all killed someone.

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It had been gloomy all morning. The last day of school for the kids was welcomed by a thunderstorm. Oakley grimaced as she watched Kayce drive off with all of them in his truck earlier, his tires kicking up mud as he turned around the bend. Oakley had gone back inside and poured herself a cup of coffee, making her way back out onto the porch and sat down, listening to the rain come down.

There was little activity down at the barn due to the rains. She could see smoke coming from the chimney at the bunkhouse. Knowing Teeter, she was making her chili for the guys. The trailers were on, but Travis' crew had packed up last night when they got word of the weather and were headed out later today. Oakley bent her knees up as she leaned back into the large chair.


Oakley looked over to see Jamie standing at the backdoor.

"Good morning," Oakley said. "There's coffee."

"Thanks," Jamie held up a cup to show he had already gotten some for himself.

He walked out, shutting the door, and sat down in the chair next to Oakley. She watched him sigh, steam rising from his cup as he blew on it before taking a sip. Oakley looked down at her cup, her nails pink from when Evelyn asked to paint her nails last night. Oakley remembered laughing that her daughter was better than herself.

"Travis is leaving today," Jamie said.

"Yeah," Oakley nodded. "Thank goodness."

Jamie looked over at Oakley in question.

"The woman who had been eyeing Kayce this whole time? I asked her about it and she was a complete bitch," Oakley mumbled. "Then she told my daughter that makeup makes girls pretty."

Jamie smirked as Oakley rolled her eyes, taking a sip of her coffee.

"That why Kayce told Travis they ain't allowed again?" Jamie asked.

"Yeah," Oakley nodded, looking over at Jamie. "You saw that?"

"The whole fucking ranch saw it, Oaks," Jamie laughed.

"Well...he is the boss," Oakley smiled as she sat her cup down on the table between them.

"Speaking of that night," Jamie cleared his throat. "I was wondering if you could tell me why Kayce was acting weird with me."

"Weird?" Oakley asked.

"I tried talking to him and he was...distant," Jamie looked at Oakley. "Know why he'd be like that?"

Oakley looked at Jamie. Sure, she knew exactly why Kayce was probably weird with Jamie then. Coming back from Jamie's son's mother's father's home...after being threatened, would make anyone act weird.

"I think Kayce was tired," Oakley tried with a shrug of her shoulder. "I know I've made him tired this week with my issues."

"You're shit at lying, Oakley," Jamie said. "While it's refreshing when you're doing it to me it's also annoying."

Oakley took a deep breath.

"I think you need to ask Kayce about it," Oakley bit her lip.

"I'm asking you," Jamie snapped.

The rain was still coming down hard. Jamie looked tired, but they all were tired.

"Kayce and I went to see May's father," Oakley said.

Jamie looked confused now.

"May's father?" Jamie asked. "Doyle?"

"Yeah," Oakley nodded.

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