It takes work to lead.

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"No more sling!" Lee cheered as he walked out of the doctor's office with Oakley.

"But that doesn't mean you go run off and hurt yourself again," Oakley warned. "No more proving to girls that you can out-jump them."

"Yes, ma'am," Lee smiled up as they got to the truck.

Oakley opened Lee's door and shut it after he crawled in. She walked around to the driver's side when a man came up a few feet from her. He startled Oakley.

"Sorry, I uh..." The man held up both hands. "You're Oakley Dutton, right?"

"Who are you?" Oakley asked her hand on the door handle.

"Y'all hiring?" The man said.

"Hiring?" Oakley blinked.

"I'm looking for work," The man shifted on his feet. "Heard y'all were short some hands."

"Um," Oakley swallowed.

"I'm good," The man said. "Been down in Kansas and over in Tennessee...spent last season in Billings and made my way over here now."

"What are your skills?" Oakley asked, remembering her words finally.

"Good with fixing things," The man nodded. "Horses...really anything you'd need, Mrs."

"What's your name?" Oakley asked.

"Marcus," The guy nodded again.

"You don't have a last name?" Oakley raised an eyebrow.

"Hanson," Marcus said.

"How old are you?" Oakley looked him up and down.

"Twenty-three," Marcus said.

Oakley's eyes widened slightly. The man in front of her looked like he should be older than Oakley. He had tattoos up and down his arms, a few on his neck from what she could see, and deep circles under his eyes.

"You look older than that," Oakley said. "And I don't hire liars."

"Ain't lying," Marcus shook his head. "Just have had a rough go at life."

Oakley blinked as she looked back at him. She glanced to the left and right, wondering if Marcus had a vehicle or not and how on earth he knew who she was.

"We're moving some of our cattle tomorrow morning," Oakley said. "If you can be at the ranch by eight, then you can work with the others and see if you can keep up."

"Thank you," Marcus nodded his head, his dark eyes surprised.

"Don't thank me yet," Oakley opened her door and got in quickly.

"Who was that, Momma?" Lee asked from the backseat.

"He said his name was Marcus," Oakley started the truck and pulled out of the parking lot.

"Who is he?" Lee asked again.

"I don't know, baby," Oakley shook her head as she pulled out onto the main road. "He was looking for a job though."

"To work on the ranch?" Lee asked.

"Maybe," Oakley glanced back at her son. "How's the arm? You were bent in some awkward positions back there."

"Sore," Lee looked at his arm. "But no sling."

"I'm proud of you for being good with that sling and using it," Oakley smiled.

"How proud?" Lee smirked and Oakley swore she saw Kayce come through their son's face.

"Lee Dutton," Oakley warned but her smile made Lee giggle.

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