Have it out or end it.

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Oakley knew it was late when she heard the bedroom door open. Kayce had been called out for some issue and hadn't known when he would get home. It made things easier for Oakley though, she could focus on the kids and not pretend like she was okay with her current state of professional affairs. She had spent the evening watching a few movies with the twins while Tate finished his homework for school in the morning.

The rolling door on the bathroom shut and Oakley turned over to look behind her at the empty bedroom again. A few seconds later she heard the shower turn one. Thinking that was a bit odd, even for Kayce, for almost one in the morning, she sat up in bed. Pulling the covers off her legs, Oakley slipped out and walked over to the door. She listened for a few seconds and then slowly rolled the door back. Steam hit her face as she looked inside.

Kayce was standing under the water as Oakley stepped closer. She turned back to roll the door back closed to keep the cooler air out. But the door made too much noise and when she looked back at Kayce, he was staring at her. Oakley felt her heart drop though.

There were large bruises along his face and a cut along his nose and bottom lip. Oakley could also see a bruise on his side now that she looked closer. Kayce watched her carefully as Oakley took slow steps over to the shower door. She pulled the glass door back and looked at Kayce.

"Kayce..." Oakley breathed out.

"Hi," Kayce ran his hands over his head once and wiped the water from her face before blinking back at her.

"Hi?" Oakley raised an eyebrow. "Kayce, what-"

"It's alright," Kayce sighed. "Sorry, thought you were asleep."

"And then what? I'd just find you like this in the morning and wouldn't have the exact same questions?" Oakley asked, crossing her arms.

"I told you-" Kayce said.

"It ain't fine. You are clearly not fine, look at you," Oakley frowned. "What happened?"

Kayce took a deep breath and Oakley felt even more annoyed with him.

"What. Happened," Oakley asked him again.

"Why do I have to talk to you about my work problems when you won't talk to me about yours?" Kayce asked.

Oakley blinked back in surprise. Kayce shifted on his feet before sighing again.

"Things just got a little physical tonight," Kayce said, lowering his voice. "I'm fine though...it happens, you know this...part of the job."

"But, you don't look fine," Oakley mumbled, her eyes counting the bruises again.

"Yeah? Well, neither do you," Kayce ran his hands over his head again before shutting off the water.

Oakley stepped back as Kayce reached for his towel, wrapping it around his waist as he walked out of the shower and over to the sink. Her eyes looked over his body again, not seeing any more injuries for now. Kayce's eyes caught her in the mirror.

"Go back to bed, Oakley," Kayce said.

"Come with me," Oakley whispered, anxiety and fear clogging her throat.

Sure, they were fighting right now, but all Oakley wanted to do was wrap Kayce up in her arms. The deep frown lines on his face however kept her rooted in her spot on the tile floor.

"I need to make a few more calls," Kayce sighed. "Just needed a shower first."

"What happened, Kayce?" Oakley asked again.

Kayce turned and looked at her.

"You first," He said, crossing his arms. "What was that with my Dad and Beth today?"

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