You're not evil.

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Author's Note - Merry Christmas to all who celebrate! 

Oakley's grip on Kayce's shoulders tightened as she felt herself come undone. The trembles shot throughout her limbs as she shook in his arms. Kayce grunted against her, his body slumping into hers that was resting against the barn wall. They were in the back stall, away from everyone else who was working.

"Think I'm getting too old for this," Kayce was breathing hard, his lips brushing against Oakley's neck.

"What?" She asked breathlessly, pushing Kayce's head back so she could see his face. "We are not too old for this."

"Baby..." Kayce let out a long breath, stepping back from Oakley and pulling up his jeans. "I just fucked you against the barn wall like we were teenagers again...I've had you every day this week."

"Yeah..." Oakley smiled as she zipped up her jeans. "Kind of fun, huh?"

Kayce dropped his arms to his sides and gave her a sad smile.

"What?" Oakley asked, brushing off her sides.

"Nothing," Kayce shook his head.

"What, Kayce?" Oakley stepped closer to him.

He didn't answer her though. Kayce reached up and tucked a piece of Oakley's hair that had fallen out of her braid behind her ear. His finger grazed her cheek before he dropped it. Oakley's breathing had gone back to normal as she stared at him.

"You still ain't talking, are you?" Kayce asked softly.

"About what? Three kids, you...and this ranch?" Oakley shrugged. "Not a whole lot of time to chat."

Kayce nodded his head slowly., dropping his arm from Oakley's cheek.

"I gotta get to the office," He told her.

"Alright," Oakley sighed. "Will you be home for supper?"

"Yeah," Kayce started to walk back toward the barn doors with Oakley following him.

"See you at dinner," Kayce looked back at her.

Oakley nodded. It looked like Kayce wanted to say something but at the last second thought against it and turned around, heading to his truck. Oakley watched him drive off and get to the turn before she looked over and saw Rip standing near one of the corrals.

"Hey," Oakley put her hand in her vest pockets as she walked up to Rip.

"What're you doing down here?" Rip asked.

"Uh...Kayce was showing me something in the barn," Oakley nodded.

"What?" Rip asked.

"Just...some siding that needs fixing," Oakley said the first thing that came to mind.

"Some me where and I'll get one of the guys to do it," Rip started to walk but Oakley cut him off.

"We weren't looking at...siding," Oakley felt her cheeks blush.

Rip let out a small laugh.

"'am," Rip dipped his head. "No offense, but you have a whole fucking lodge and you two chose the barn?"

Oakley shifted on her feet.

"You've never had sex in a barn?" Oakley asked. "I find that hard to believe."

"No, I've had sex in a barn before," Rip nodded. "But I wouldn't go near that fucking building if I had that."

Rip pointed behind Oakley's head at the main lodge up on the hill.

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