It's what brothers do.

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John was standing outside Kayce's door when Oakley and Jamie walked up. Oakley paused, not sure why John wasn't inside with Kayce.

"He's groggy," John told her. "The nurses gave him a sedative though to keep him calm so he wouldn't damage his shoulder more."

"Why aren't you in there?" Oakley asked.

"He told me to get out," John sighed. "Figured it'd be best right now to follow him."

Oakley looked at Jamie for a second.

"Okay...I'll come get you if I can reason with him," Oakley said.

"We'll go see Beth," John nodded to Jamie. "Take your time, Oakley."

The two of them walked down the hallway as Oakley pushed open the door. Kayce's golden orbs looked at her when she stepped in. Before the door could shut behind her, Oakley was over to Kayce's bed. He reached up with his good arm as Oakley sat down by his side.

"Hi..." Oakley breathed out.

She looked over him, letting Kayce rest his arm over her thighs. One of her hands rested against his waist while the other moved some of his hair back from his forehead.

"Do you hurt?" Oakley asked him. "Do you need anything?"

Kayce swallowed hard, his eyes blinking slowly up at Oakley.

"What..." Kayce cleared his throat. "What happened?"

Oakley frowned.

"You got shot, Kayce," She told him. "You've been in the hospital for two days now...but you're recovering nicely."

Kayce nodded his head, his eyes shutting while he did so. He opened his eyes again and looked up at Oakley. His hand on her thigh reached up and used his thumb to wipe away a tear rolling down her cheek.

"I don't know what your dad told you," Oakley said.

"Not much before I told him to get out and get you," Kayce coughed, wincing from the movement.

"Do you want some water?" Oakley asked, trying to stand up.

"No," Kayce held onto her as best he could.

Oakley settled back in her seat on the bed. Kayce's arm dropped back down to where it had been on her thigh. She softly rubbed her hand up and down his arm.

"Beth's awake too," Oakley decided to start with that.

"Good," Kayce nodded, but his eyes held questions about the other part of their lives.

"Marcus is dead," Oakley lowered her voice. "Honestly...everything around him is dead now. Along with his reason's why and motives."

Kayce didn't say anything.

"Jamie's here," Oakley took a deep breath. "He and I had a long talk earlier."

"Jamie's here?" Kayce asked.

"Yeah," Oakley nodded. "You can see him later."

Kayce nodded his head slowly.

"What about the kids?" He asked.

"They're at the house," Oakley said. "My mom is with them...they miss you like crazy, but they're all okay."

"Tate?" Kayce blinked up at her.

"He's...he's been amazing," Oakley felt her eyes water at the thought of Tate. "Really stepped up for us."

"And you?" Kayce asked.

Oakley took a shaky breath as she leaned down. Her lips brushed against Kayce's not caring they were chapped. She kissed him again, longer and deeper.

"M'sorry," Oakley pressed her lips to Kayce's cheek before pulling back so she could look down at him. "I'm so sorry for fighting you...and yelling at you...I'm sorry for everything I said to you..."

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