She can see it in his eyes.

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Oakley watched Tate ride Lucky around the corral late Sunday evening. The sky around them had scratches of yellow and pink across it. Tate hadn't placed in the semis, meaning his roping year for school had come to an end. But he got farther than he did last year, a talk Kayce had to have with Tate when he blew up after not placing. Tate certainly got his father's temper.

"You don't have to stay and watch me," Tate called out. "I can put him up with my eyes closed now."

"I know," Oakley smiled. "Just like spending time with you."

"But you ain't doing anything. You're just watching me," Tate laughed as he looked over at Oakley.

"I know," Oakley nodded. "How are you feeling now about yesterday?"

"Better," Tate came to a stop next to where Oakley stood. "Sorry, I lost it."

"It means you care," Oakley told him. "But part of growing up is learning to control that emotion...emotions are power and you have to choose wisely when you show them to other people, especially crowds."

"Dad was pissed," Tate smirked.

"Well, your father has his temper to deal with at times," Oakley winked. "So don't let him come down too hard on you."

Tate nodded and then looked like he wanted to say something.

"Hey, Oaks?" Tate looked over at her. "Can I ask you something?"

"Sure," Oakley stood up taller now. "Anything."

"Could we..." Tate trailed off. "I was thinking I might want to go visit my mom's grave."

Oakley didn't say anything, knowing there was more to come from Tate.

"I haven't been in a while and I just feel like..." He trailed off again.

"You need to talk to her?" Oakley offered after Tate didn't continue for a few seconds.

"I think so?" Tate shrugged. "I don't know...I feel like I need to just see her."

"Anything you need to share with me?" Oakley tried. "Or just one of those things you want her?"

"I'm not sure yet," Tate looked at Oakley with big eyes.

"Tate you can always go there," Oakley told him. "You know that."

"Do you think you could go with me?" Tate asked. "Dad always is the one who takes me and I think I want you to this time...if that's okay?"

Oakley swallowed hard.

"Sure," She nodded. "When would you like to go?"

"Could we go tomorrow after school?" Tate asked.

"Let me get your dad to switch me with pick-up duties and we can head out to the Reservation after school," Oakley's grip on the wooden fence was tight.

"You sure?" Tate looked at her.

"No problem at all," Oakley gave him a tight-lipped smile. "Go put Lucky up and let's get some supper."

As if on cue, Kayce's truck pulled up next to the corrals. Oakley walked over to the truck as Kayce rolled his window down, the twins in the backseat.

"Just in time for supper," Oakley said gently.

"Yeah," Kayce eyed her, sensing something.

Oakley shook her head as she leaned her arms on the window and looked back at the twins.

"Guess what?" Kayce asked. "Training got canceled."

Oakley smiled at Kayce, realizing she got him back for the next four days.

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