I wanna live the life we planned.

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Oakley was sitting on the couch with Lee leaning back against her. He had stayed home from school with a fever this morning and Oakley was soaking in the time he'd let her cuddle him. His deep breathing though, told her he was passed out again.

Oakley maneuvered around him, letting him rest against a pillow instead as she went into the kitchen. It was close to two and her stomach had been grumbling for an hour. Opening the fridge, Oakley pulled out some stuff for a sandwich. Her phone buzzed in her back pocket.

"Hey," Oakley said.

"Hey," Kayce sighed.

"What's wrong?" Oakley looked up from her food.

"Nothing...just nice to hear your voice," Kayce said.

"Rough morning?" Oakley asked but she knew the answer.

"How's Lee?" Kayce didn't answer her question.

"Fever has gone down but he's sleeping," Oakley said. "Finally making myself some lunch."

"I can stay with him tonight if you wanna go see Tate," Kayce offered.

"That's okay," Oakley sat her knife in the sink. "I'm okay here and plus...we both know you wanna see Tate."

"What time is it again?" Kayce asked.

"It's at five," Oakley glanced at the clock. "You'll need to leave here in an hour to pick up Evelyn and make it up there in time."

"Alright," Kayce said.

They were both quiet for a minute. Oakley knew Kayce did this when he didn't want to go back to whatever it was he was working on. He'd be content with just listening to the silence between them. She placed the top half of her sandwich on.

"I love you," Oakley said.

"Love you too, baby," Kayce said back to her.

"There's a warm bath with your name on it later tonight when you get home," Oakley smiled.

"Will my girl be in it?" Kayce asked.

Oakley's smile widened. Kayce hadn't been in a joking or flirty mood for a while now. She leaned her hip against the counter.

"If that's what you want," Oakley said.

"I want you," Kayce's voice was low. "We both know the bath is more for you."

"You don't like the bath?" Oakley joked, trying to keep this mood going.

"Baths are fine," Kayce said. "It's you being pressed up against me naked that's the real reason behind me going along with them."

"So the truth comes out huh, cowboy?" Oakley smirked. "Here I thought it was the bubbles and salts."

"It's just you, darlin'," Kayce chuckled deeply, making Oakley's insides warm. "Don't need anything else."

"Well, that I can do," Oakley sighed constantly. "You okay today? I know work is...and I know you'll be okay. I'm just worried about you."

"I'm okay, Oakley," Kayce said. "You don't need to worry."

"Fat chance that happening," Oakley leaned against the counter, putting her phone on speaker so she could eat her sandwich. "Don't forget Nancy's birthday on Thursday."

"Shit..." Kayce mumbled.

"This is why you have me," Oakley laughed. "We can get her some nice flowers from the store and you can give them to her."

"Alright, I'll try and remember," Kayce said and Oakley rolled her eyes.

"I'll put them in the list so we all remember," Oakley said. "And my mom's birthday is next week."

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