Fireworks on the Fourth.

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Oakley snuggled closer to Kayce as she tried to make herself fall back asleep. But Kayce's alarm started to go off and she felt him wake up next to her. He rolled over and turned his alarm off, yawning. Oakley groaned as she buried her face into Kayce's pillow.

"It's a holiday," She grumbled. "Why do you have an alarm?"

Kayce chuckled as he rubbed her back up and down.

"Because this is a ranch, baby," Kayce said, sitting up in the bed and stretching.

Oakley turned her head to look up at him with a glare. Kayce smiled, moving the hair out of her face. Leaning down, he pressed a kiss against her lips.

"Come down to the barn with me," Kayce said.

"I have my own animals in this house," Oakley stretched out before she sat up on her knees, running her fingers through her hair. "That need feeding and tending to."

Kayce leaned in front of Oakley, his eyes still sleepy. Oakley's face softened and she smiled at Kayce, blinking slowly.

"Let 'em sleep a little longer," Kayce said, his lips brushing against her again. "Come spend time with me."

Oakley let her brain catch up to what Kayce was asking and sighed.

"Fine," She sighed, her lips betraying her though with a small smile.

Ten minutes later, Oakley was walking down to the barn slowly with Kayce. It was early and cool that morning, the sky pretty in pinks and yellows as the sun rose over the mountains. Oakley yawned as they made it down to the barn, the wranglers were there already up and about with their normal activities.

"Morning," Lloyd nodded. "Why're y'all down here this morning?"

"Because my husband is weird," Oakley smiled.

Kayce gave her a look as he walked over to a stall and got the horse inside ready to be let out. Oakley grabbed a harness and headed to the net stall, helping organize the horses out so they could get some activity. She passed Jimmy while she was walking back.

"Hey," She smiled.

"Mrs. Dutton," Jimmy nodded his head.

"How's Mia?" Oakley asked.

"Well....uh..." Jimmy stuttered, causing OAkley to stop walking.

"What's wrong, Jimmy?" Oakley looked concerned.

"Well, she's uh..." Jimmy sighed. "She's pregnant."

Oakley's lips broke out into a smile.

"That's wonderful, Jimmy," Oakley said. "Congratulations."

"Thank you," Jimmy nodded.

"How far along is she?" Oakley faced him more.

"About twelve weeks," Jimmy said.

"Is she feeling okay?" Oakley smiled.

"I-I think?" Jimmy shrugged. "We don't really know what we're doing."

"No one does, Jimmy," Oakley giggled. "That's what first-time parents are supposed to feel like."

"Then I guess we're on track," Jimmy nodded.

Oakley nodded.

"Well, tell Mia if she needs something to let me know," Oakley said. "Are y'all...I've seen her a few times but y'all have a place in town, right?"

"Apartment," Jimmy said.

"Might need to look at something a little bigger?" Oakley offered.

"Yeah, can't afford that," Jimmy shrugged. "We're good where we're at though...for now."

For Them, We MustOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora