I like it just us.

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"Well...this seems weird," Kayce said as he walked into the kitchen. "Quiet."

"I don't have the heart to wake them up like normal," Oakley smiled, pulling out things to make pancakes. "Plus, it's summer...I don't need them up at the crack of dawn like you."

"Some of us have a job that requires us to be there at the crack of dawn," Kayce smirked as he finished putting his badge on his belt.

Oakley pushed a warm cup of coffee over to his side of the island.

"Thank you," Kayce said, taking a sip.

"They'll wake up with the smell," Oakley pulled out a large pan. "I'm surprised they didn't wake up with your shower."

"They were still out of it when I came down here," Kayce said. "Taking up our whole fucking bed too."

"You love it," Oakley smiled.

"No...you love it, baby," Kayce took another sip. "I like being with the kids when they need us at night, but I love sleeping with just you."

"So you've said," Oakley giggled as she poured the mix into a bowl. "Will you be home for lunch?"

"Probably not," Kayce finished his coffee. "Gotta head out to Livingston this afternoon and I think it'd just be easier if I stayed at the office until then."

"Alright," Oakley put the milk back into the fridge. "Then we'll see you tonight?"

"Yeah," Kayce walked over to Oakley as she turned back from the fridge.

He cupped her cheeks, kissing her softly. Even since they got back two days ago, Kayce had been very affectionate with Oakley. She knew their conversation that night at camp was healing for Kayce in multiple ways...and while she loved it when Kayce was sweet on her, she just wanted to make sure he was still okay with all the things outside of the two of them. But when he kissed her like this, Oakley damn near forgot her own name.

"Have a good day," Kayce mumbled against her lips.

He acted like he was going to kiss her again but pulled back when Oakley leaned forward. She tried again, but Kayce dodged her once more. Her eyes narrowed out of frustration when she saw a large smile on Kayce's face.

Oakley grabbed Kayce's shirt and pulled him back in for a deep kiss. She sighed into it, leaning her body against Kayce's as he kissed her back. Oakley's hands moved down to his belt as she tugged at it gently. Kayce pushed her backward, against the fridge and his lips moved to her neck. But then the kids broke their moment.

"Ouch, Lee!"

"Watch where you're going!"

Kayce pulled back as they both sighed, looking over to see the twins walk through the kitchen, glaring at one another.

"Oh no," Oakley shook her head and pointed her finger toward the dining room. "No grumpy children in here...go sit at the table."


"Get!" Oakley laughed as they turned around and walked out.

She looked back up at Kayce and her eyes softened.

"Be safe," Oakley whispered.


"That's not how horses are, Lee!" Evelyn said with a roll of her eyes.

"Well then how are they?" Lee asked from the center of the corral.

"Like this!" Evelyn took off skipping, pretending to be a horse.

Oakley shook her head, a smile on her face as she watched her kids in the circle. They had come down earlier to bring a pan of cornbread to Jake and Jimmy who were in the bunkhouse for part of their supper. On the way out, the twins decided they needed to show their mom their best impressions of a horse.

For Them, We MustOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora