We'll have the day we deserve soon.

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Oakley's eyes blinked open in the sunlight. She was back in her bedroom, in her bed, and Kayce's arms. Glancing at the time, it was a little after nine. She couldn't remember the last time she'd slept this late. Then again, they didn't get to bed until around three in the morning.

Stretching her legs out, she felt Kayce's tangled with hers. Oakley turned her head and saw Kayce's eyes were open already.

"Hey," Oakley leaned back some so she could see him better.

"Morning," Kayce yawned.

"We need to get to the hospital," Oakley stretched out her arms as best she could.

Kayce only grunted. They had passed out as soon as they got to the house. From what Oakley could tell, neither she nor Kayce moved an inch during their sleep.

"You okay?" Oakley eyed him.

"Yeah," Kayce sighed, reaching up with one hand to rub his face.

"I hope Tate slept some," Oakley sat up and reached her arms above her head. "Think he'll come with us?"

She looked at Kayce but he was staring at the ceiling. Oakley frowned, reaching over and rubbing Kayce's chest. His caramel eyes looked up at her.

"What?" Kayce asked.

"You sure you're okay?" Oakley asked him.

"Fine, baby," Kayce sat up and pulled his legs over to place his feet on the ground.

Oakley watched him stand up and walk into the bathroom. She heard the shower turn on. There was something there, but she couldn't place it. Oakley got up and walked over to the sink to get ready.


"But he's fine," Tate said from the backseat. "Why do I have to be there now?"

"Because he'll want to see you," Oakley looked behind her shoulder at Tate.

"You said that last night," Tate noted.

"He's your grandfather," Oakley blinked. "You're not having to stay the whole time."

"I just don't see why," Tate mumbled.

"Hey," Kayce snapped, glancing in the rearview. "You're going in...no more lip from you."

Tate sulked in the backseat as Kayce pulled into the parking lot. That was the third time Kayce had snapped at him since they woke up. Oakley got out and shut her door, looking at Tate.

"He's just a little stressed," Oakley whispered to him.

"Whatever," Tate walked by her.

Oakley sighed and followed them into the hospital and down the hall to John's room.

"Tell me this means I get to leave?" John asked as he saw them.

Oakley looked at Beth who seemed to be ready to pounce.

"How're ya feeling?" Kayce ignored his father and walked over to him.

"Fine," John grunted. "Can we go now?"

Kayce looked at his sister.

"Doctor's clear him?" He asked.

"Not until tomorrow," Beth eyed her father. "At the earliest."

"Don't fucking patronize me," John glared.

Tate looked at Oakley as if to tell her he was right in not wanting to come in here. Oakley wrapped her arm around his shoulders. John looked over at them.

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