Ain't out of the woods yet.

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"Hold still, Evelyn," Oakley sighed as she pulled her daughter's hair into a tight braid. "I don't want your hair getting in your way."

"We're gonna be late, Momma!" Evelyn cried, her annoyed expression mimicking her mother's.

"Well, if you had been here when I asked you the first time we wouldn't be," Oakley laughed as she finished. "Okay! Go!"

Evelyn tore out of the tent leaving Oakley to roll her eyes and stand up slowly. She walked out of the tent and saw the small group that was leaving that afternoon to go scout out the last place for camp. They had about another four weeks left and then it would be over for the season.

She and Kayce would be headed back to the house today. Oakley needed to take the twins shopping for new clothes for the school year. If she wanted until after camp, the store would be crowded and picked through. Plus, the twins had grown over the summer it seemed. Their hemlines were above their ankles now.

Plus, they were going to have a Fourth of July celebration at the ranch. John figured it was needed due to everything they had been through the past few months. Beth was in charge of it and it was supposed to be a spectacle.

She watched Evelyn climb up into the wagon next to Lloyd and smile at the older man. Lee was with Tate, on Lucky net to the wagon with John behind them. Kayce was holding both his and Oakley's horse's reigns in his hand. James and Jamie were on the other side of the trailer.

"Sorry," Oakley said, taking the reigns from Kayce. "Little Miss Princess was being a pill."

"My daughter?" Kayce smirked. "Never."

Oakley rolled her eyes as she put her foot in the stirrup. The ride to camp took a little longer due to the wagon, but the crew got there by mid-afternoon. Oakley made her way through the lodge, opening up windows and airing out the place since no one had been there for a few weeks. She could hear the twin's laughter from downstairs as she pushed open the window in the main bedroom. Heavy boots on the floor told her Kayce had walked in.

"Just heard from the Tribal lady," Kayce said.

"She has a name, Kayce," Oakley smirked.

"Fine," Kayce rolled his eyes. "Hear from Alex and-"

"Alexis," Oakley shook her head at him.

"Do you want to know?" Kayce asked.

"Just hope you don't call me Ophelia or something when you're out," Oakley snickered as she walked over and sat down on the bed to listen to Kayce.

"Alex was close," Kayce sighed. "Ophelia ain't close to Oakley."

"Lucky for me I guess," Oakley crossed her arms. "What did Alexis say?"

"They're gonna meet tomorrow on the res," Kayce said. "Told them I'd be there around lunchtime."

" you said," Oakley nodded. "See what they have to say."

"You can handle shopping by yourself?" Kayce asked.

"I'll take Tate," Oakley shrugged.

"He'll love that," Kayce smirked.

"He will if some of those clothes will be for him," Oakley raised her eyebrow. "They all grew like weeds this summer."

"They seem to keep doing that," Kayce smiled.

"I didn't ask Jamie if James needed anything," Oakley thought. "Maybe Jamie will come with me?"

"Doesn't James' school have uniforms?" Kayce asked.

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