Don't apologize for loving me.

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"I know why you have to go...but why do you have to go?" Oakley asked Kayce as he pulled the strap tighter across his horse.

"Because I'm Livestock Commissioner," Kayce said as he adjusted the reigns, glancing at Oakley.

"This isn't under you," Oakley mumbled.

"Alright...and his brother...and I'm probably the only family member who can help him."

"They think he did it?" Oakley asked. "Don't they?"

"They just brought him in to be questioned," Kayce said. "But he's the lawyer...and now the guy who's supposed to help us, needs help and he can't help himself, baby."

"I know all of that," Oakley crossed her arms. "I just..."

Kayce stepped over closer to her, the look on his face telling Oakley Kayce already knew what she was thinking.

"It's our first day," Oakley said, knowing she sounded like a brat.

"I know, trust me," Kayce told her. "I'll be back later."

"No you won't," Oakley shook her head. "It's almost one and by the time you get to your truck and out there and back with'll be too late."

"Then I'll see you tomorrow," Kayce smiled, trying to make Oakley feel better.

Oakley looked over at the kids who were eating their lunches.

"I could come with you?" Oakley said looking back at Kayce.

"I don't want you-"

"I could just come with you," Oakley shrugged. "I'll stay at the ranch if you need me to...but then you won't be alone."

"I'm fine, baby," Kayce reached out and held onto Oakley's hip. "Stay here and enjoy it with the kids."

"Kayce," Oakley sighed. "I don't like that you're having to do this alone...please let me come with you."

Kayce stared at her for a moment.

"What about them?" Kayce nodded to the kids.

"I know a Grandfather who will be just fine with them," Oakley smiled. "And a dozen wranglers who will all watch them."

Kayce thought for another few seconds.

"Jake!" Kayce called over to where Jake was standing near the horses. "Will you saddle Oakley's?"

"I'll tell the kids," Oakley kissed Kayce's cheek before walking over to the kids.

"Momma, Grandpa said we could still go back to the river after this," Lee smiled with a mouth full of bread.

"I think that sounds like a great plan," Oakley smoothed Evelyn's hair back. "Listen you three...your father and I have to go back to the house for the night, but we'll be back tomorrow, alright?"

"Why?" Tate asked with a slight frown.

"We just need to take care of something," Oakley smiled. "Nothing bad or to worry about...but I didn't want your dad to go by you two?"

Oakley made sure Lee and Evelyn were looking at her.

"Tate's in charge, okay?" Oakley eyed both of them. "And you?"

Oakley pointed at Tate.

"Grandpa is in charge and listen to the wranglers," Tate smirked.

"I love you all," Oakley smiled, blowing them a kiss before walking back to where her horse was waiting for her.

For Them, We MustOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora