Full house and full hearts.

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Oakley woke up with her cheek pressed against Kayce's chest. He was still asleep, making this the second day in a row where Oakley woke up before Kayce. He also had his arms wrapped around Oakley in a way where even if she wanted to leave, she would have to wake him.

Oakley looked over to see it was just a little after seven. She wasn't sure when her mom was dropping the kids back off, but after breakfast seemed logical just based on semantics. Reaching up with her finger, Oakley traced over Kayce's brand on his chest. The white markings were faded now, but still there. Kayce's chest rising faster made Oakley aware he was waking up. She looked up at him.

"Good morning," Oakley whispered.

"Mornin'," Kayce mumbled in his morning voice.

Oakley leaned up as best she could and pressed two kisses to Kayce's lips. Their ankles still crossed over one another, making Oakley giggle.

"You've got me in a vice grip," Oakley smiled at Kayce.

Kayce glanced down at them, the sheets tangled between their warm bodies. His warm caramel eyes looked back into Oakley's cooler ones.

"Didn't want you to leave I guess," He smirked at her.

Oakley wiggled one of her arms out and pressed it against the mattress next to Kayce's shoulder. She was able to lean up more and look down at Kayce, their faces closer.

"Now, why would I ever leave this?" Oakley asked before her lips fell back on his.

Kayce's hand reached behind Oakley and tangled in her long hair.

Oakley hummed against Kayce's lips as she slid her one leg up to straddle his hips. Kayce kissed her deeply, his hand not tangled in her hair roaming lower on her back. There was a loud thud from downstairs, but Oakley almost missed it.

She rolled her hips against Kayce before he leaned up to sit, wrapping Oakley in his arms as his lips moved to trail down her neck. Another thud was heard though and this time, Oakley's eyes shifted to the right. There was a muffled yell then that she heard.

"Kayce?" Oakley breathed out.

Kayce's lips paused on her collar bone and they both listened.

"Why is it always you?!"

That was Jamie's voice. Oakley looked at Kayce whose eyes were wide now, looking up at hers.

"I'm gonna kill you!" Jamie yelled again.

Kayce acted fast, tossing Oakley off him, and grabbing for clothes on the floor. Oakley pulled the sheets against her body as she watched Kayce stand up and look at her.

"Stay here," He pleaded.

Oakley only nodded, not wanting to do anything but figure out what was happening downstairs. Kayce ran out of the bedroom and once the door was open, Oakley could hear better. It was Jamie yelling downstairs, and there was another crash. Oakley got out of bed and tried to find some of her own clothes to put on. The yelling stopped, which she took as a possible good sign. She finished buttoning up her jeans and grabbed one of Kayce's shirts as she stepped out of the bedroom.

Oakley quietly crept down the hall, pulling Kayce's shirt over her body as she did. Once Oakley was at the stairs she listened. There were muffled voices somewhere downstairs, but she couldn't hear what they were saying. Slowly, she walked down. Taking her time, she gently stepped off the stairs and looked over to the living room.

Kayce and Jamie were sitting on one of the couches.

Oakley stayed near the entrance to the living room and looked in. Kayce had his hand on Jamie's shoulder. Jamie's head was in both of his hands. Oakley glanced around but didn't see anyone else in the room or nearby. She took another look at Kayce but then quietly walked into the kitchen. Whatever had happened seemed to have quieted down some...at least for now.

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