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Seo-Ah's POV

[Location: HYBE Building/11:00 a.m.]

"I wonder what our schedule will look like," Ah-Yeon spoke to the group as we waited patiently in an empty room.

"Busy." Yun-Hee shrugged.

I felt exhausted from last night and decided Hanako's arms were the comfiest to be in right now.

"Seo. You should get more sleep." She said while rubbing my head gently.

I looked up at her and smiled before returning to my previous position.

"Good afternoon everyone.." I heard a female voice speak which caused me to pull away from Hanako. "Congratulations on making it to the next stage in your idol career. My name is Cheong Sujin. I will be your manager from this point on. Here is my contact information as well as your new schedule." She proceeds to pass out her business card and the group schedule.

"As you can see, your schedule is quite different but some aspects remain the same. You still have vocal and dance lessons but it will be related more to your group. In addition, we have time laid out for language classes. Other than that, the other change will be related to your living situation. Hani, Hanako, and Seo-ah you guys will be in a dorm. Yun-Hee and Ah-Yeon will be in a dorm together. Any further questions?"

"Lessons start today, correct?" Ah-Yeon questioned.

"Yes. They start right after our meeting. Speaking of, you should head over now." She smiled.

We all walked out together to the fourth floor. Previously, we weren't allowed on this as trainees but I guess now that we are debuting, we can. The elevator came to a stop and the doors opened. Our schedule started off with vocal sessions in room 405. As we entered, we were faced with another set of new faces. Two women were sitting on chairs casually talking with each other.

"Hello!" One of the women turned to us as we entered. "You must be the new group debuting. I will be your vocal leader here at HYBE. Take a seat and we will tell you a little more about us before we begin." She motioned us over.

"My name is Da-bin." The same woman spoke. "And I am Su-mi. I am your dance leader here at HYBE. We will be together constantly. We will work with you for each song to formulate a dance and prepare you vocally as well. Usually how it works is you learn the songs vocally with Da-bin and then you come over to me and learn the dance. Da-bin usually works more with vocal recordings but I usually lead with more of the dance aspect." 

"What we were thinking of doing was introducing your group using a fantasy type of concept. The first song we had in mind is called Fate's Melody. It was written by one of our writers here at HYBE and chosen for this group. Essentially, the music will tie in the concept- see what I did there Su-mi?" She laughed briefly before returning her attention to us. "Anyways... It incorporates the idea of the red string tying you guys together, stating that you were all fated to be together in this group."

"Also, I don't know if it was stated yet, but your group name will be Unity (Creds to lilyxxrosess). So that is kind of how we wanted to tie it all together." Su-mi added.

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