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Seo-ah's POV

[Seo-ah and Ha-Yun's Apartment]

Before heading to bed, I reserved several more days' worth of sessions at the dance studio. I also took the time to look up any vocal and dance coaches in the area. If a month is what I get to prepare, then I will make sure to use every moment I can. It felt nice to feel passionate again about becoming a Kpop Idol. Before, it felt like an unrealistic dream but just knowing I might have a chance, was enough for me to work hard.


I took a look at myself in the studio mirror. My eyes were more tired than usual. I had been practicing a lot of my time lately on improving my dancing, whether at the studio near me or with the dance coach I found online. Within three weeks, I was working on enhancing my learning pace, my footwork, and my form. After finding the audition pieces I was strongest in, I focused mainly on those for the time being. Vocally, Soobin has been helping me. He observes me singing every Tuesday and Thursday evening and doesn't hold back on the critiques. I liked it more that way.

"Seo-ah. For that specific song, your voice has to be a bit lighter."

"Even lighter than I'm singing now?" I look at him frustrated.

"Yes. Let's try it again." He goes to press play on the track.

"Soobin wait-" He turns toward me. "Can we take a break? Honestly, I feel so frustrated. We have been at this specific part for hours and I can't get it."

"Of course, we can take a break." He sat back down next to me, his legs straight. I laid down with my head across his lap.

"I'm tired," I said while yawning.

"I bet you are. How about you practice for another hour and then we head back to my place to watch a movie." Soobin spoke.

"You have to practice all day tomorrow. I want you to rest." I insisted.

"How about you stay over then, no movie. I at least want you with me in some way." Soobin once again tried convincing me.

"Hmm..." I paused. "Okay."

"But we should bring home takeout. I'm hungry." Soobin smiled at me and I agreed. Once that was settled, I got up again and started practicing again.


"Could we have an order of fried chicken please?" I paused. "Oh wait.. should we order more for everyone?" 

"Yeah let's do three orders instead!" Soobin spoke to the girl at the register. After ordering, I handed her my card.

"No.. no.. Take mine." He handed his hard but I urged the girl to use mine.

"I-" She didn't know whose card to use but ended up charging my card.

"Ha!" I laughed at Soobin who sighed in defeat.

A Fangirl's Secret/ Soobinحيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن