Truth Hurts/8

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Seo-ah's POV

I have to stop drinking, I say to myself when I wake up to a massive headache. I mentally facepalm myself when I remember last night's events- LIKE DRINKING WITH BEOMGYU. I open my phone and text back Ha-Yun who called me over 30 times when she saw I sent her drunk selfies with Beomgyu.

"Sorry~ Heheh" I text her back innocently. It didn't take long until I received a call from Ha-Yun.

"Girl- Did you really just bless my eyes with- BEOMGYU? AND YOU SAY SORRY? Nah. I should be saying thank you." She screams with excitement.

"It just happened- I am actually more embarrassed at this. They probably think I'm an alcoholic at this point. No more drinking for me!" I say.

"If this is what I get from you drinking, please become one because I am being fed so hard right now-" She once again starts to fangirl over the images.

"TELL HIM I SAID HI" Ha-Yun squeals. 

"I talked about you and showed him pictures. He called you cute." Ha-Yun's mouth drops open.

"Don't mess with me.. I swear." Ha-Yun looks at me apprehensively.

"Welp time to go practice-"


"Bye Yunnie!" I wave goodbye through the video call and end it. I giggle to myself about teasing her. Wait till she hears what he really said.


I meet everyone at the practice room downtown and they run over the lines I will be singing for the Blue Spring. According to them, I would be singing the "Flowers, Flowers" line as well as the background vocals. Despite my slight hangover, I sang the song without error, and with the extra time, they offered me to stay and watch them practice. I sit down on a chair Yeonjun pulled aside for me and watched them do another run-through of their songs. I smile as they tease each other when they mess up slightly. They really are family. After they finish, we all ordered rice and stir-fried udon noodles. Everything tasted excellent.

"Seo-ah, we heard you worked at a cafe!" Soobin glares at Hueningkai.

"Yes. Soobin must've told you guys. It's my mom's cafe technically and it's a dog cafe!" I smile sweetly.

"Have you thought of becoming a singer? You have a great voice." Hueningkai smiles back at me but noticed even more angry glares coming from Soobin.

"I want to.. but things are complicated. Maybe one day. I am a little older now so doing something like this, is out of the question." I put on a fake smile, hiding my disappointment.

"I'll admit that it's a bit old to be recruited but you never know what the future has for you," Yeonjun reassures me.

We all decide to rest in our designated rooms considering the concert is tomorrow. I do feel nervous but they all reassure me that I'll do well and even Soobin said some encouraging words, despite our argument recently.

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