Safe Space/19

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Seo-ah's POV

[Seo-ah and Ha-Yun's Apartment]

I woke up feeling sore from last night's run. It was worth it. I started my day earlier than normal with a goal in mind..getting a job. Although I have a lot saved up from working constantly, I couldn't stand being home all the time. After quitting the cafe, I realized that I liked keeping myself busy like that, but for obvious reasons, that wasn't an option anymore.

I put on a presentable outfit to go apply to several places in the area. I walked into several cafes, convenience stores, and restaurants to see if they were hiring. Unfortunately, they weren't. I sighed as I sat down on a nearby bench. It's been several hours that I've been looking and nothing? Maybe it was me that they didn't want. I frown to myself but decide to attempt to cheer myself up by playing my favorite song. With no one around, I put in my headphones and listened to the familiar beats of my favorite song. I couldn't help but sing along as I closed my eyes. The music easily washed away my feelings of being a disappointment. When I opened my eyes, I noticed just a few people gathered around to listen. I felt slightly embarrassed until I saw a card being handed over to me.

"Hello! I'm a talent scout from JYP Entertainment. I've been trying to get ahold of you since the performance in Japan. We loved your vocals and would love even more to get to work with you."

"Hello! Thank you! I'll look over it and give you a call." I smile back at the lady and then my gaze went to the card in my hands. JYP... I never thought I could still be scouted.

I walked back to my apartment in disbelief. When I entered, Ha-Yun was in her room.

"YUNNIE." I call her name once I walked in.

"SEO." She yelled back.

"COME HERE." I continue.

"COMING." She walked in and sat down on the couch. "So, any luck with job hunting?"

"Not entirely.." I pause. "But, I did get scouted today." I pull out the card which only made Ha-Yun open her eyes even bigger.

"No.. way... JYP? That's so cool." She handed back the card. 

"Right?" I take a second look at the card. "Should I do it?"

"Obviously." Ha-Yun looked at me.

"I don't know.. I honestly didn't think I had the talent to become a Kpop Idol.." I awkwardly say.

"I think you have a good voice and I'm sure with practice, it will only get even better." 

"I should ask Soobin about it." I say as I pull out my phone. But before I could text him, I saw a weird message request come through on my Kakaotalk account. "What's this?" I say as I click on the message. My heart sank almost immediately as I read the few words that were displayed on my screen.

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