Next Steps/21

553 19 14

Seo-ah's POV

[Seo-ah and Ha-Yun's Apartment]

I stared at the card once more with a feeling of anticipation. Soobin was supposed to be done half an hour ago. My nerves were high as I waited for the call. Did he forget? Almost as if he was reading my thoughts, I received a call.

"Hi Seo-ah." I hear a very eager Soobin on the other line.

"Hi Soobin." 

"Tell me." He urges me to spill but I decide to tease him.

"Tell you what?" I acted innocently.

"Tell me what you were mentioning earlier." 

"Oh! That..." I smile before saying anything more. "I got scouted."

"Scouted?" He seemed confused at first but once it hit him, his excitement was obvious. "Wait, like for a label?"

"Yes, Soobin!!" My excitement also caught up to me.

"Which company?" He questioned.

"JYP. I mean I've always wanted to be in HYBE but I am excited to be scouted by JYP." I responded.

"What if I pulled some strings to see if HYBE will let you audition?" Soobin asked.

"I don't want to put you in that position. Plus, I doubt HYBE wants me anywhere near you right now." I frowned, but obviously, he didn't see that.

"No Seo-ah. If you want to be in HYBE, I will make an effort to get you an audition. You will do the rest of the work. Don't fight me on this." He insisted.

I agreed, despite my original feelings on the situation. Ideally, I wanted to work hard on my own and make it. But realistically, help from Soobin would jumpstart me in the direction I wanted to go. 

"I have to go though. We have a busy day tomorrow." Soobin spoke.

"Okay.. I love you." I frowned, not wanting the call to end so soon.

"I love you too Seo-ah." And with that, the call ended. 

I climbed into bed after doing my nighttime skincare. My eyes moved toward the ceiling and remained there as the thoughts appeared in my brain. Was I really going to audition for JYP or HYBE? Vocally, I feel confident.. But my dancing definitely needed some work. I rolled on my side and grabbed my phone to search for some dance studios nearby. Luckily I found one and was able to reserve it for tomorrow for several hours. I knocked on my wall to see if Ha-Yun was still awake.

"Yes Seo?" She was awake.

"Yunnie? Are you busy tomorrow?" I asked on the other side of the wall.

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