The lady spoke up, "You carry a heavy burden on your shoulders." I refute to her, "I do not wish for it." For a lean moment a smile came across her lips, it vanish as soon as it appears, "that is because, you do not know of the power you hold on your hands."
"I do," she gaze at me as I speak, "I know very well the power of a phoenix. The erupt of it's faculty can bought such destruction that it burn for centuries. I do not wish for such power."

"How amusing, the others had wishes for this power yet each resulted in failure. Now that it has chosen an owner, the owner rejects it," a faint smile on her lips. "However, you have accepted that power."
"Not accepted, but a deal," correcting her I told. A amusing smile on her lips, "a deal huh, perhaps the future will be different, a fascinating one."

As we talk, we came to stop in front of a large painting, or more like a tree, a family tree. Looking at them she spoke gently, "from generations, us, the Will's were the keepers of this side of North. Our defense magic was unmatched from all other witches. Purifying the Dasrekeb was our outmost purpose. Our magic held the purest aspect of all. Our people lived like any other lords. Mingling with humans we lived in harmony. We were loved and worship for our power yet for the same reason, feared by all. Those days were our belle époque. Until, the storm came, blowing away everything along with it, leaving us only to live in misery. We fought back, however because the mystic lords were defeated. It was impossible for us, alone to defeat the sorceress. For her power was unmatched to none at that time, the phoenix was too weak. Fleeing was the only option we were left with. We fought so long, bled for so long, hide into the shadows, waiting for the phoenix to rise once more." Saying that she look at me, "now the days for us to wait has come to an end. For us to come out of the shadow has finally come. For the phoenix has risen once more and will be stronger than before."

Into the bed chember :

Sitting near the fireplace, her shoulder cover with a dirty green shawl, Arya was deep in thoughts.

'Purifying the Dasrekeb was our outmost purpose, no matter how many times I recall these, how does one acquire the purifying magic? Is it similar to the power of the female lead? If so, is Natasha also a witch?'

'But how did she survive? The world is crule to the witches? The novel did mention she was summoned outside the tower but did not have specific details about her arrival.'
'If she was summons outside of the tower, someone must have helped her. But who? and why?'

'The Dasrekeb? In the near future, there rise will be in a great number. Should I fasten the summoning process? The tragedy that the future holds, to face that the arrival of the female lead is undoubtedly entail. But how am I supposed to do that?'

'On the other hand, if word about Misham's power got out to the world, people will want him no matter what. The temple is far more crazy than the tower, they will tore him apart, haaa... this is driving me crazy.'

'what methods would be the best for us to use, without bringing harm to him?
Should I try talking with Ivan? But can I trust him on this? Moreover, will he place his trust on me? Haa... this is difficult. First of all, I must return to the state as soon as possible. Have to handle this matter with much cautious.'

"Ah... can't believe my vacation was cut short. This is not fair."

That night her time passes by tossing and turning on her bed. Because of the deluge of her thoughts, Arya could hardly sleep that night. But when sleep decided to finally fall upon her is was already dawn.

Knock... knock...

"Come in," sitting on the bed, looking like a half dead she spoke, her voice was weary. "My lady?", Miya was wide-eyed, seeing her lady looking like that. "Was the bed uncomfortable, my lady?" Tiredly I look at her. "Perhaps, a warm bath and some soup could help you with, reducing your tiredness," Miya add bringing the warm bowl of water and a towel near me.
"I am not tired Miya, I am sluggish," tiredly I said. "A squall had occurred at late night."

Miya could not comprehend my words, "last night it surely was windy but when did a squall occurred, my lady?", confused she ask." Cover my mouth while I yawn, i said, "Hmm... it did indeed, because of that, I could not sleep an ink last night." I fall back on my cushion, "let me sleep for some moment. And you, go check if the library is available or not."

"My lady?" Coming a bit closer Miya check her lady, sighs, "have some rest, my lady." While Miya went out carrying the orders given by her master, Arya fall asleep, drifting off into the dream land.



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